II Community Innovation Award

22/02/2017 • Publicado em

II Community Innovation Award

Announcing 50 community projects (OPs) to receive investment

In January BrazilFoundation launched its second “Community Innovation Award” to support informal initiatives (“Outra Paradas” in Portuguese) with a R$6,500 investment in each – R$5,000 for the project itself and 1,500 to cover monitoring and mentoring costs . This year, 20 partner organizations that are part of our leadership network will act as funders within their areas of expertise and locales, contributing as mentors for the initiatives which they themselves would select.

Funding for initiatives in the beginning stages of development has always been a part of our model. The reasons to test this new model of “participatory philanthropy” are many: to fund initiatives that exist outside the radar of other foundations and even our own, because they are not formalized; to democratize resource allocation, as Brazilian philanthropic capital is concentrated in the hands of very few entities; to test the idea that grantee organizations can be grantors; to encourage local leadership development and to create an ecosystem that enables the creation of new social technologies.

We received 164 applications, and now announce support for 50 initiatives – 30 which were chosen through popular vote by the mentor organizations, 15 by a panel composed of donors and the BrazilFoundation staff, and five OPs from last year from among fourteen to continue their projects through a renewal of support.

We anticipate announcing more OPs for support as we continue to receive additional resources from our partners!

Funds for the II Community Innovation Award were raised through: the BrazilFoundation galas in Miami, New York and São Paulo in 2016; the Youth Benefit Event “Spreading Love All the Way to Brazil”; Mauricio Morato and friends; the Núcleo Assistencial Gérson Bartolomeu; and our donors and supporters.

Further information: news@brazilfoundation.org
Press: press@brazilfoundation.org

Here is a list of the initiatives:

1ª Sarau de Quebrada: Pontos de Luz – São Paulo, SP | Lucas Jerônimo, 22; Rodrigo Jacob, 29; Roger Gomes, 21; Sandro Fernandes, 19. (IBEAC)
The Barragem neighborhood will host an evening event, focusing on recognizing the community’s young social leaders.

Açaí Nosso de Cada Dia – Irituia, PA | Terezinha Ramos da Silveira, 64; Paula de Jesus, 68; Francisca Gama, 55; Rosineide Jorge, 34. (MMNEPA)
A taskforce to replant açaí, the principle source of food and income for the São Tomé quilombola community.

Agentes de Saúde Mirim – Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Claudia Souza da Silva, 45. (EDUCAP)
Gathering a group of 20 kids ages 7-14 to talk about civic engagement and health, with the goal of lessening the stress caused by local violence.

Água do Alto Sagrado – Comunidade Indígena Kariri-Xocó (Município de Porto Real do Colégio), AL | Euzanir da Cruz, 46; Ana Claudia dos Santos Pires, 34. (THYDEWÁ)
The initiative will bring water to 30 indigenous families in Kariri-Xocó (AL) for them to plant gardens and farm fish.

Alimenta Ação – Fortaleza, CE | Jacinta Maria Silva Rodrigues, 42. (Barraca da Amizade)
The initiative proposes to provide training in culinary arts and entrepreneurship to low-income, domestic-violence survivors who are mothers of young children.

Ampliando a Resistência e Fortalecendo a Convivência Com as Sementes da Paixão – Cacimbas, PB | Joilton Marinho Soares, 36; Sandra Maria Ferreira Soares, 39. (CEPFS)
Salvaging, preserving and spreading regional heirloom seeds.

Aplicativo cri@ativar – São Paulo, SP | Tony Marlon, 32. (Laboratório Brasileiro de Cultura Digital)
A digital application that will connect youth from low-income neighborhoods who work in the creative economy with potential clients and investors.

Autodefesa pessoal e protagonismo comunitário de mulheres hetero e mulheres trans frente à violência de gênero no Kidé em Juazeiro – Bahia – Juazeiro, BA | Isabel Cristina Sampaio Angelim, 49. (Instituto Cultural Pólen)
Training trans and heterosexual women in self-defense techniques and community leadership to help combat ant prevent gender-based violence.

Barco de Letras – Miranda, MS | Janete Correa, 45. (IPEDI)
Literacy initiatives, including 5 classes per week, for artisanal fishermen from the Miranda region.

Biblioteca Comunitária É o Benedito! – Vitória, ES | Jadir Feliciano dos Santos, 53; Livia Saraiva Egger, 26. (Associação Ateliê de Ideias)
A library to be used as a space for sharing ideas, social skills, and mediation and communication techniques, impacting 400 kids and youth in São Benedito.

Casa Criativa – Contagem, MG | Rafael Luiz de Aquino, 35; Oderval Rodrigues de Oliveira Junior, 37; Jefferson Ramos Cândido, 25. (FA.VELA)
The initiative has the goal of reframing the industrial profile of Contagem – an area in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, by providing a space for multidisciplinary activities, a cultural center and an agglomeration of creative enterprises.

Casa Mama Ekos – Maués, AM | Patricia Delpino Martins, 32; Maria Dolores 42; Amazonildes, 40; Ítalo Mamud Micheles, 24; Jafé Miquiles, 32; Aline Blumer, 27; Mayra Correia, 32; Divya Prem, 33; Luiz Felipe, 31; Marcelo Bueno, 53; Alexandre Victor, 30; Claudio Miranda, 39. (Casa do Rio)
The initiative aims to promote maternity appreciation by using old techniques that involve pregnant women, doulas, midwives, healers, and health professionals.

Catadores.doc – Belo Horizonte, MG | Daniel Drumond, 23. (FA.VELA)
The initiative will create and share a film that documents the knowledge of independent waste collectors on sorting recyclable materials.

Ciclo Verde – Assentamento Bom Jesus, AP | Joriane Oliveira Rocha, 23. (Associação Florescer)
A sustainable, organic community garden will be planted to help feed and generate income for families.

Cine Cururu projetando com a comunidade – Fortaleza, CE | Edinaldo Felipe de Sousa , 30. (Banco da Periferia)
Audiovisual workshops for 30 youths from two communities, including presentations of the cultural pieces they create.

Cineperifa – São Paulo, SP | Saara Carneiro, 26; Victor Rodrigues de Carvalho, 24; Gustavo Dias, 26; Arquimino Neto, 25; Keidson Oliveira, 23; Paolo Vieira, 23. (Centro de Arte e Promoção Social)
Using movies and short films to engage the Grajaú community in the audiovisual world and spark interest in the various communications languages and artistic fields.

Compartilhando conhecimentos – Rio de janeiro, RJ | Kelly Gregorio da Silva, 34; Patricia Wenceslau, 34; Irenilda Conceição da Trindade, 44. (EDUCAP)
The extra-curricular educational project will reach 70 kids and adolescents from Mineiros in Complexo do Alemão.

Comunidade Ativa – Teixeira, PB | José Roberto Vital da Silva Junior, 19; Maria das Dores Nunes Vital, 23; José Rubenildo Pereira Firmino, 35; Maria Aparecida Pereira Firmino, 18; Francisca Marta Pereira Firmino, 17; Thiago Farias da Silva Lima, 10; Alessandra Tavares Duarte, 12; Gerlan da Silva Cruz, 10; Emerson de Lima Lourenço, 14; Mayte Tavares de Souza, 14; Alan Lima Nunes, 15; Ruan Lucena Tavares de Oliveira, 13; Igor Vital de Sousa, 11; Maria Elisangela Tavares Lopes, 31. (CEPFS)
Fighting youth urban flight by promoting agroecology, rotating funds and income generation opportunities for young farmers.

Costurando sonhos – Fortaleza, CE | Monica Lima dos Santos, 32. (Barraca da Amizade)
Strengthening a group of 10 women searching to earn income through sewing and tailoring, after years of occupying and fighting for housing.

Cozinha da Horta – Pentecoste, CE | Ivania Maria Cavalcante Alencar, 53; Lima de Moura Nascimento, 26. (ADEL)
Creating a garden in the form of a mandala, promoting water recycling and produce for cooking.

Cultura e Identidade Terena – Miranda, MS | Evanilda Rodrigues, 33; Sônia Acosta, 45. (IPEDI)
The project will work with students from the indigenous school in the Terena culture.

Curu Valley – Pentecoste e Vale do Curu, CE | Gabriel Levy Costa Albuquerque, 21. (ADEL)
Curu Valley is a collaborative IT community that aims to foster learning for rural youths who are interested in undertaking technology projects.

DoarEduca Belo Horizonte, MG | Bruno Almeida; Carlos Felipe; Paula Filardi. (FA.VELA)
Volunteers will offer free ENEM preparation courses.

E Eu Com Isso?! – Aprendendo sobre questões de gênero e violência contra a mulher – Vitória, ES | Yvana Gonçalves Belchior, 47; Rogério Caldeira Ribeiro, 45. (Associação Ateliê de Ideias)
Educational art projects for 150 children, building awareness and understanding on gender and violence against women.

Educação e Saúde da Mulher no Campo – Pentecoste, CE | Vanessa Estevam de Lima, 25; Isaac Alves Mota, 22 (Instituto Coração de Estudante)
Creating a space for women to debate and learn so that they can stimulate local development.

Elas Programam – Fortaleza, CE | Bruna Moreira de Sousa, 20; Eduarda Ribeiro, 18; Ivoneide Duarte, 19; Laura Oliveira, 25. (Instituto Banco da Periferia)
Digital inclusion and training for women from the Conjunto Palmeiras community.

Em Campos: Local de discutir empoderamento feminino e direitos humanos – São Paulo, SP | Ana Paula de Jesus Teixeira, 24; Sidinéia Aparecida Chagas, 25; Silvani Aparecida Chagas, 22; Claudia Gomes, 40;
Sideilde Aparecida Chagas, 35; Silvia Aparecida Chagas, 29. (IBEAC)
Community engagement and workshops on gender and women empowerment with the Perifeminas soccer players in Parelheiros, Grajaú.

Embaixadores de Minas – Belo Horizonte, MG | Maria Guilhermina Abreu, 23 anos; Guilherme Menezes Lima, 24; Polyane Costa, 26; Brenda Maia Alves, 23; Lorena Alves Serra Oliveira, 22. (FA.VELA)
Promote leadership in public school students and improve the quality of the schools through the students’ own initiatives.

Esverdeando Karapoto Plak-Ô – São Sebastião, AL | Bruna de Souza Vieira, 19; Sanna Ferreira de Souza, 20; Eduarda Tononé Souza, 19; Ivan dos Santos Azevedo, 20; Jeice Kelly Lima de Oliveira, 14; Thais de Souza Vieira, 21; Mikaela Lima de Oliveira, 13; Erica Vitoria Inacio dos Santos, 15; José Ivanildo Azevedo, 25; Jadiele dos Santos, 12; Wilamis dos Santos, 17; Wyaran Souza Suira, 21. (THYDEWÁ).
The initiative will revive a nursery, garden and medicinal garden to make the village “green”.

Favela Empodera! – Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Michele Seixas de Oliveira, 31. (EDUCAP)
Working with women together with health posts in Complexo do Alemão.

Gravidez na Adolescência: PREVINA-SE – Capanema Pará, PA | Jaquelane Albuquerque, 26; Antonia Cristina Lima de Oliveira, 30; Ana Claudia de Brito Nobre, 27; Jamilly Batista de Jesus, 28; Marcio Santos, 33. (MMNEPA)
An awareness campaign on teen pregnancy called “stop, think, inform yourself, and prevent”.

Hackathon da Horta – Santos, SP | Maria Augusta Bueno, 45; Penelope Casal de Rey, 32; Fernanda Tosta, 35. (Laboratório Brasileiro de Cultura Digital)
A collaborative design marathon to prototype a peddling shredder for the bons frutos community garden.

Hip Hop Educação – Sao Paulo, SP | Wellington Neri, 32; Carolina Pires, 32; Mauro Neri, 35; Gabriela Lea, 29. (Centro de Arte e Promoção Social)
Hip hop workshops in public schools in the Grajaú region, stimulating creativity and experimentation.

Ipenija jẹ girl – O desafio de ser Menina – Salvador, BA | Valda França, 58. (Renascer Mulher)
Holding discussions in schools in low-income neighborhoods of Salvador on problems faced by girls relating to family, culture and misogyny.

Mães do Corpo – Careiro, AM | Astéria de Jesus da Silva Tavares, 61; Francisca Dionéia Ferreira, 41. (Casa do Rio)
Empowering women by cultivating medicinal herbs for sale and use.

Mãos Arco-íris – Empresas e entidades LGBT em união Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, São Paulo, Florianópolis, Belo Horizonte e Brasília., PE, RJ, BA, SP, SC, MG, DF. | Michel Platini Gomes Fernandes, 33; Welton Danner Trindade, 37. (ONG Amigos da Vida)
Working to increase the social responsibility of LGBT enterprises in 7 capital cities so that they collaborate more with HIV/AIDS and/or LGBT organizations.

Mergulho Consciente – Petrolina, PE | Caio Guedes Xavier Junior, 30. (Instituto Cultural Pólen
A campaign to prevent aquatic accidents leading to spine injuries.

Mulheres da Periferia no Poder – Salvador, BA | Josy Azeviche, 36; Raimunda Oliveira, 58. (Associação Renascer Mulher)
Mobilizing low-income women to exercise social oversight in matters regarding public sector initiatives.

Núcleo de Jovens Políticos/CriAtivos – Desenvolvimento Comunitário, Empreendedorismo Criativo e Protagonismo Jovem – São Paulo, SP | Isaac Souza Faria, 23; Felipe Costa e Silva, 22. (IBEAC)
Stimulating critical thinking, awareness and influence in people for them to understand the need for change to create a better future.

O Poder transformador da Música – Orquestra Filarmônica Jovem Emmanuel – Campo Grande, MS | Orion da Cruz Vieira, 46. (Instituto Luther King)
Strengthening and expanding the Philharmonic Jovem Emmanuel Orchestra’s activities.

Oficina do Conhecimento – Santana, AP | (Associação Florescer)
Artistic training for 15 women to foster their talents.

Oficinas Agroecológicas na Horta Comunitária Octávio Pécora – Campo Grande, MS | Anysio Henriques Neto, 32; João Wagner Cruz, 53; Rodrigo Borghezan, 29; Rosália Evangelista Martins, 51. (Instituto Luther King)
Training volunteer residents to manage the community garden through workshops, taskforces and environmental educational activities with partners entities (schools, businesses, gardeners).

PLPs no AR – Careiro, AM | Heidy Anne Nogueira, 31; Paula Siqueira, 34; Edilise Costa, 37; Lucijane de Almeida, 34. (Casa do Rio)
A web-radio geared towards women, aiming to discuss a woman’s reality through sharing stories and empowerment.

Proje Acesso Livre – Fortaleza, CE | Douglas Silva de Sousa, 23. (Instituto Banco da Periferia)
Developing a communications collective and journal a collaborative journal by public school students.

Projeto Conexão – Jovem conectado com o futuro! – Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Joel Mário; Letícia Albricker de Carvalho, 31; Rita Francisca Alves. (Instituto Cultural Pólen)
Proposta de capacitação, profissionalização e iniciação para o mercado de trabalho para adolescentes entre 15 a 17 anos.

Projeto Risos do Amor – Pentecoste, CE | Ana Letícia Pinho Galvão, 18; Antonio Willian de Oliveira Araújo, 18; Ana Carolina Cruz de Sousa, 18. (Instituto Coração de Estudante)
Initiatives that promote wellness and interaction among the elderly and discuss health.

Quando alguns querem, boas ações acontecem – Petrolina, PE | Isabel Cristina Sampaio Angelim, 49. (Instituto Cultural Pólen)
Stimulating youth leadership on the Massangano island through audiovisual workshops, a nursery of native plants and an ecologic trail.

Quebrando o Silêncio – Macapá, AP | Kátia Cilene Cardoso Rabêlo Ramos, 42. (Associação Florescer)
Combatting sexual violence in various spaces for children and adolescents.

Realize – Santana, AP | Miquelly Pastana Tito Sanches; Claudio Adão Sanches da Silva. (Associação Florescer)
Providing academic reinforcement through educational games to children from Santana.

Sons da Aldeia – Miranda, MS | Marlene Rodrigues, 45. (IPEDI).
Saving the Terena culture through workshops for children from the Babaçu village.

SOS MULUNGU- colhendo história, semeando conhecimento para florescer cultura – Coluna, MG | Isac dos santos lopes, 24. (ONG Amigos da Vida)
Preserving the culture of the quilombola community in the Jequitinhonha valley through events, talks, competitions and seed distributions.

Transformadas – Brasília, DF | Kihara Rosa Silva. (ONG Amigos da Vida)
Providing transsexuals professional training courses in makeup, hair and marketing.

Uma Fonte de Vida – Jatoba, PE | Luciano Henrique da Silva Nascimento, 30; Iranildo Julião da Silva, 34; Mansueto Manoel da Silva, 26. (THYDEWÁ)
Create awareness among the 3,000 indigenous Pankararu people on preservation of the Fonte Grande spring, which is drying up.

XIII Semana Espaço Mulher. Violência Contra a Mulher não é o mundo que a gente quer! – Santa Maria do Pará, PA | Rita de Kassia de Oliveira Nascimento. (MMNEPA)
Combatting violence against women through local radio and a march.