Instituto Mundo Aflora

São Paulo, SP
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Education and Culture

Transformando Concreto em Sonhos

Fostering Talents of Justice-Involved Girls Who Are Reintegrating Back into Society

Instituto Mundo Aflora provides youth – specifically girls – tools to develop their life plans and reintegrate back into society. The Institute will use the art of graffiti to explore artistic skills and work on the self-esteem and confidence of 12- to 20-year-old girls who are serving social, educational and correctional measures at Centro Chiquinha Gonzaga.
The project aims to revitalize the recreational facilities, transforming the environment into a place where they can think of a different future and dream beyond the walls. Upon conclusion of their internment period, girls who have demonstrated artistic skills and good behavior can continue to develop their art projects. These actions improve the structure and functioning of the institution, directly impacting the employees, teenagers, and their families.

With support from BrazilFoundation, Instituto Mundo Aflora aims to offer:

• Art education workshops for girls fulfilling socio-educational measures;
• Revitalization of the sports court with a mural produced by girls benefited by the project at the Chiquinha Gonzaga unit;
• Girls with a new life perspective when leaving the socio-educational unit.


120 girls benefited directly
15 artists involved in the project activities
Art education workshops

“The project will allow girls to give color to their dreams and transform a harsh environment into a colorful wall of opportunities and choices.” – Renata Mendes, Mundo Aflora Institute