A Nova Geração da Política Brasileira: Os 100 Primeiros Dias
The Event
The Event
Americas Society/Council of the Americas, in partnership with RenovaBR, BrazilFoundation and the Brazilian-American Chamber of Commerce, will host the panel discussion "The New Crop of Elected Officials in Brazil: The First 100 Days" on May 13.
Three freshmen members of Congress: Tabata Amaral, Paulo Ganime, and Felipe Rigoni, all graduates of the first 133-strong class of RenovaBR, will share their impressions and lessons learned from their first 100 days in office.
This program is part of the 2019 AS/COA Brazil Series.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Registration: 12:00 p.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Public Lunch and Discussion: 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.
680 Park Avenue
New York, NY
Tabata Amaral, Congresswoman, State of São Paulo, Brazil
Felipe Rigoni, Congressman, State of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Paulo Ganime, Congressman, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Brian Winter, Vice President, Americas Society/Council of the Americas; Editor-in-Chief, Americas Quarterly (moderator)
Claudio Szajman, Executive President, VR Investments; Board Member, RenovaBR
Susan Segal, President and CEO, Americas Society/Council of the Americas
Register to attend here.
The event is complimentary but prior registration is required.
Event Information: Marcelo Barretta | mbarretta@as-coa.org | 212-277-8378
Sponsorship Opportunities: Ana Calderon | acalderon@as-coa.org | 212-277-8358
Membership Information: Mila Fontana | mfontana@as-coa.org | 212-277-8374
Note: To view a list of COA corporate members, please click here.
Press Inquiries: mediarelations@as-coa.org
Cancellation: Please contact Juan Serrano-Badrena at jserrano@counciloftheamericas.org before 3:00 p.m. on Friday, May 10.