Nami Rede Feminista de Arte Urbana

Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Apoiado em
Áreas atendidas
Human Rights and Civic Engagement

Graffiti Pelo Fim da Violência Doméstica

Graffiti Art as an Advocacy Tool to Prevent Violence Against Women

The NAMI network works to overcome gender inequalities and domestic violence, fighting for women’s rights so that they can be economically independent and have control over their personal lives. NAMI has received rewards for its work from the Vital Voices Global Leadership Awards and Washington DC and DVF Awards, New York.
NAMI encourages discussions on gender issues and promotes the Maria da Penha Law in sports through a football group and through a network of urban art that involves adolescents and youth. NAMI also holds workshops throughout Brazil, using graffiti art as an advocacy tool and offering classes in graffiti for women,
creating space for female participation in a male-dominated field.

With support from BrazilFoundation, the project will:

• Hold graffiti workshops with discussions on gender, domestic violence and the Maria da Penha law;
• Involve 180 young people in workshops;
• Create a public art display that demonstrates the lessons from workshops.


• Directly benefit 180 young people
• Graffiti to promote women’s rights

“I created NAMI because I didn’t want other women victims of violence to delay taking action. I am now an informed, woman activist.” -Panmela Castro, Founder and President of Rede NAMI