Donor Advised Grants increased in 2011

13/09/2011 • Publicado em Uncategorized

The BrazilFoundation Donor Advised Program has been growing and gaining the trust of more people and businesses interested in supporting social organizations of their choice in Brazil. The total grants raised during the first semester of 2011 have already surpassed the total grants raised last year.  As a result, 21 organizations benefited from donations made this year.

Some organizations receive support every year, such as the Instituto da Criança (Children’s Institute), which has received annual donations since 2003.The Institute works in Social Entrepreneurship in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, supporting existing social institutions, offering educational programs, acting as an incubator for new social programs and institutions, and supporting companies in the exercise of social responsibility.

Other examples are the Centro Edelstein de Pesquisas Sociais (Edelstein Center for Social Research), which has received grants through Donor Advised since 2004, the Associação Saúde Criança Recomeçar (Association of Child Health Start), a recipient of annual grants since 2007, and the Instituto Embraer de Educação e Pesquisa (Embraer Institute for Education and Research), supported annually since 2008.

On the other hand, there are other organizations that were supported for the first time this year. The Fundação Hospitalar Paulo VI (Paulo VI Hospital Foundation) provides free medical care to the residents of Jordan, a city in Minas Gerais. Unfortunately the hospital has suffered an administrative and economic crisis in recent years that lead to judicial intervention.  The Paulo VI Hospital is the city’s only hospital; the next closest hospital is located 74km (46 miles) away. Since March 2011, the hospital has been managed by an Interim Administration Commission. Thanks to the Donor Advised Program’s support and to the community’s help, the hospital’s debts were cleared and improvements were made to its facilities so that it could resume its activities.

The Donor Advised Program is a trusted way to support an organization of your choice in Brazil. As BrazilFoundation is based in both countries, individuals and companies in the United States can benefit from U.S. tax incentives while investing in an organization in Brazil. Another advantage of donating through BrazilFoundation is the fact that the Foundation screens the potential organizations to assure their quality and accountability. BrazilFoundation can also provide the donor with project monitoring and evaluation services.  For more information, click here.

Organizations supported in the first semester of 2011 through Donor Advised:

Location: São Paulo, São Paulo
Associação de Pais e Amigos de Surdos de Campinas (APASCAMP)
Location: Campinas, São Paulo
Associação Direitos Humanos em Rede (Conectas Direitos Humanos)
Location: São Paulo, São Paulo
Associação Saúde Criança Recomeçar
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro     
Centro Edelstein de Pesquisas Sociais
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro     
Fundo Social ELAS (Fundo Angela Borba)
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Ensina! Brasil
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Fundação Hospitalar Paulo VI
Location: Jordania, Minas Gerais
Instituo Alfa e Beto
Location: Brasília DF
Instituto da Criança
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro                        
Instituto de Autoimunidade
Location: São Paulo, São Paulo
Instituto Embraer de Educação e Pesquisa
Location: São José dos Campos, São Paulo
Instituto Mosaic
Location: São Paulo, São Paulo
Instituto  ProA
Location: São Paulo, São Paulo
Sociedade Israelita Brasileira de Organização, Reconstrução e Trabalho – ORT
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
Viva Rio
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
ECCO – Associação de Entidades e Amigos do Centro Comunitário do Centro Psiquiátrico Pedro II
Location: Rio de Janeiro,  Rio de Janeiro
Instituto Tear de Histórias
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro
OCA – Organização de Capacitação e Pesquisa em Saúde, Educação e Cultura
Local: Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro
Embraillizando a Cidade em que Vivemos: Ações para o Pleno Exercício da Cidadania dos Deficientes Visuais
Associação de e para Cegos do Pará – ASCEPA
Localização: Belém, Para