BrazilFoundation Launches “Community Innovation” Award

10/11/2015 • Publicado em

BrazilFoundation will award informal initiatives identified by its network of grantees

To meet the demands of the social sector in Brazil, BrazilFoundation is launching an innovative call for proposals that will give small grants to informal initiatives. The initiatives will be identified by grantees in their network. The selection is open to informal initiatives that are not cooperatives, collectives, or official associations or institutes, and thus do not possess a OSCIP – the Brazilian equivalent of a 501(c)(3).  “OP” stands for “Outra Parada”, which literally means “another stop” – an informal, individual or collective initiative that works to transform people and communities.

“The idea to fund informal initiatives came about to tap into the wisdom and knowledge of our partner network in their respective fields. That way, we can democratize access to resources, encourage innovation and discover new social technologies “- says Patricia Lobaccaro, president of BrazilFoundation.

The selection process involves 40 organizations from 15 Brazilian states already supported by BrazilFoundation, which are called “Organizações Madrinhas”(Mentor Organizations). The mentors have the mission of identifying other regional leaders who work to create social impact in the areas of education and culture; health; socioeconomic development; human rights and civic engagement.

In addition to identifying initiatives in the regions where they operate, the mentors will be responsible for the applying, monitoring, and accountability of the projects. Proposals will be evaluated by a panel composed of leaders from the mentor organizations and by BrazilFoundation. The proposals selected will receive a grant of up to R$ 5,000.00.

“We consider this award to be a unique opportunity to strengthen local initiatives. This will be a learning process that will contribute immensely to the empowerment of women and their financial independence”- Maria das Neves de Souza, of Associação Rede de Mulheres produtoras do Pajeú.

After project implementation, there will be a vote for the best initiatives mid-June. The top three will join BrazilFoundation’s network fo leaders, participate in capacity-building workshops and win a trip to New York or Miami, along with a representative from each mentor organization, to share their experiences and receive an award during the BrazilFoundation Gala.


Participating Mentor Organizations:

Associação Florescer, Tartarugalzinho, AP

Associação Renascer Mulher, Salvador, BA
Quabales, Salvador, BA

Associação Barraca da Amizade, Fortaleza, CE
ADEL – Agência de Desenvolvimento Econômico Local – Pentecostes, CE
ADETT – Associação de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Empreendedorismo de Tauá, Tauá, CE
EPC Paramoti, Paramoti, CE
Instituto Coração de Estudante, Fortaleza, CE

Distrito Federal
IFC – Instituto de Fiscalização e Controle, Brasília, DF

Espirito Santo
Associação Ateliê de Ideias, Vitoria, ES

Minas Gerais
APARU – Associação dos Paraplégicos de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, MG
CAV – Centro de Agricultura Alternativa Vicente Nica, Turmalina, MG
Mato Grosso do Sul
AMINA – Associação de Mulheres Independentes na Ativa, Anastácio, MS
IPEDI – Instituto de Pesquisa da Diversidade Intercultural, Três Lagoas, MS
INSTITUTO LUTHER KING, Ensino, Pesquisa e Ação Afirmativa, Campo Grande, MS
Instituto Transformance, Marabá, PA
MMNEPA – Movimento de Mulheres do Nordeste Paraense, Capanema, PA

Associação Fenix, Curitiba, PR

Associação da Rede de Mulheres Produtoras do Pajeú, Afogados da Ingazeira, PE
Instituição Plano B, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, PE
CEPFS, Teixeira, PB
Rio de Janeiro
Casa de Santa Ana, Cidade de Deus, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Associação Casa Dharma, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Grupo Sócio-Cultural Código, Japeri, RJ
Instituto Cultural Pólen, Triagem, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Observatório de Favelas do Rio de Janeiro, Maré, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Orquestra de Cordas da Grota, Niterói, RJ
Teatro do Sopro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Voz das Comunidades, Complexo do Alemão, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Rio Grande do Sul
ONG Mulher em Construção, Porto Alegre, RS
Instituto Sementes ao Vento, Porto Alegre, RS

IPTI – Instituto de Pesquisas em Tecnologia e Inovação, Santa Luiza do Itanhy, SE

São Paulo
Associação Lua Nova, Sorocaba, SP
Associação Cultural Filhos da Corrente, Grajaú, São Paulo, SP
Aliança Empreendedora, São Paulo, SP
Centro de Arte e Promoção Social do Grajau, São Paulo, SP
Gastromotiva, São Paulo, SP
IBEAC – Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos e Apoio Comunitário, São Paulo, SP