BrazilFoundation Announces Rio Doce Region Grantees

04/02/2016 • Publicado em GranteesInstitutional News
The bursting of two dams in November of 2015 in the town of Mariana, Minas Gerais, caused great environmental damage, and impacted the livelihoods of thousands of people. In response to the disaster, BrazilFoundation created the Minas Fund, dedicated to the state of Minas Gerais, with initial focus on investing in socioenvironmental initiatives supporting the affected population.


Our team recently visited the affected region, identifying some of the major challenges that the local population faces, such as lack of potable water and diminished work and income opportunities. BrazilFoundation is proud to announce four of these organizations to receive support from the Minas Fund, who will work for the socio-economic recovery of the region.


Coletivo MICA – Mídia, Identidade, Cultura e Arte (Belo Horizonte & Mariana, MG)  

Workshops with 100 students from nine public schools in Mariana to help them understand, reflect and communicate their needs and rights as citizens. READ MORE
Instituto pelo Bem do Planeta (Governador Valadares, MG)
Instituto pelo Bem do Planeta (Governador Valadares, MG)

Environmental education through cultural activities to encourage 4,000 elementary school students and their teachers to take initiative for a positive recovery of the river and forests, essentially making them multipliers of good environmental practices. READ MORE


Cáritas Diocesana de Governador Valadares

The project will be implemented in seven municipalities of Meio Rio Doce to: engage the affected population to uphold their rights and participate in the reparations negotiations, guarantee transparency in the negotiations process, and help draft proposals with the community leaders to help the Rio Doce recover. READ MORE


AEDAS – Associação Estadual de Defesa Ambiental e Social (Belo Horizonte & Mariana, MG)

Assistance and guidance on rights and reparations for the local population directly affected by the dam burst in Mariana. READ MORE