The 2011 Selection results

25/02/2011 • Publicado em Uncategorized


The 2011 Selection Process Meeting


It was a difficult task to choose 20 institutions to represent BrazilFoundation’s 10 years of activities. During the selection process, BrazilFoundation felt the need to create two additional categories to fully represent the rich universe of institutions and initiatives that constitute the history of the Foundation.  The additional categories are: DISTINGUISHED ORGANIZATIONS, for organizations that stood out for their projects and achievements; and HONORABLE MENTION for organizations with strong projects and great potential to expand their work.



Organization: Casa de Santa Ana (Saint Ann’s Home)

Localization: Rio de Janeiro/ Rio de Janeiro

Website: (In construction)

Projects supported by BrazilFoundation: Promoção da Saúde do Idoso (The promotion of the Health of the Elder) (2003) e Integração Intergeracional (Intergenerational Integration) (2005).

Based in the Cidade de Deus (City of God) neighborhood, on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, Casa de Santa Ana works to improve the quality of life for the elderly, who most often face isolation. The organization focuses on three key areas: the promotion of health, with strategies for prevention and self-care; training workshops for caregivers, to sensitize and empower families and caregivers; and integration among generations, by motivating and encouraging activities to bring generations closer together. Through the support of BrazilFoundation, Casa Santa Ana established an important partnership with the Yale Alumni Chorus, after they made a presentation in the City of God. This partnership has brought encouragement to the Casa de Santa Ana chorus,  the “Vozes da Cidade de Deus” (Voices of the City of God) which includes participants from three generations of the community. The partnership also led the project’s chorus to participate in events with other choirs visiting Brazil from countries such as the USA, Canada and New Zealand. In 2010, Casa de Santa Ana was designated a “Ponto de Cultura” (Point of Culture)*.

* Title of recognition awarded by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture to institutions that have made socio-cultural impacts in their communities.


Organization: RECICLARTE – Espaço Cultural da Grota (RECICLARTE – Grota Cultural Space)

Localization: Niterói, Rio de Janeiro


Projects supported by BrazilFoundation: Música nas Comunidades (Music in the communities) (2004), Voz e Violinos (Voice and Violins) (2005) and Espaço Cultural da Grota (Grota Cultural Space) (2006)

In 1995, Marcio Selles, a Brazilian orchestral conductor, gathered a small group of children and adolescents in the favela da Grota Bushmaster, in Niteroi, for school tutoring and to teach them string instruments. The Grota String Orchestra was born then and it has since performed in Portugal, Central America and in New York, when BrazilFoundation invited them to play at the 2006 Annual Gala.  The partnership with BrazilFoundation began in 2004 when the Foundation granted them support for the first time enabling the organization to make improvements to the small space used for classes and to purchase new instruments. Reciclarte was a BrazilFoundation grantee again in 2005 and 2006, and with the renewed support they renovated and expanded what is now the Grota Cultural Space. The new space enabled Reciclarte to broaden its services to the community. The orchestra has recorded two CDs and 18 of its members are teaching in another 9 communities attending more than 300 students. The organization has been designated a “Ponto de Cultura” (Point of Culture)* and works with over 250 students.

* Title of recognition awarded by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture to institutions that have made socio-cultural impacts in their communities.


Organization: Instituto de Incentivo à Criança e ao Adolescente de Mogi Mirim – ICA (Institute to Incentive the Child and Youth of Mogi Mirim)

Location: Mogi Mirim, São Paulo


Projects supported by BrazilFoundation:  Carpe Diem (2002) and ASAS (Wings) (2005)

ICA was founded in 1997 to provide children from poor communities of Mogi Mirim with after-school activities. The organization began a pioneering initiative in the municipality, serving 40 children with after school tutoring, art activities and workshops.  ICA has created a best practice methodology in education, earning the respect and recognition of the community. Nowadays, the center multiplies its methodologies in two well-regarded social welfare centers, three local schools and other social organizations. In 2009 ICA was designated a “Ponto de Cultura” (Point of Culture)*.

* Title of recognition awarded by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture to institutions that have made socio-cultural impacts in their communities.


Organization: Associação de Formação e Reeducação Lua Nova (New Moon Association for Training and Reeducation)

Location: Sorocaba, São Paulo


Projects supported by BrazilFoundation : Lua Nova (New Moon) (2004), Comunidade da Lua (The Moon Community) (2008) and Jovem Desafio (Youth Challenge) (2010)

The Associação Lua Nova was established in 2000 in the town of Araçoiaba da Serra, in São Paulo, with the goal of serving young pregnant women who are vulnerable, at-risk, and in extreme poverty. At the Association, the young women and their children receive housing and food, as well as medical, psychological and educational assistance with a focus on strengthening the ties between the mothers and their children. The needs of the young mothers after leaving the Association led to the development of new partnerships, such as the one with Acão Moradia (Housing Action), also a BrazilFoundation grantee, for the construction of affordable houses. The methodology developed by Lua Nova has become highly regarded in Brazil and it has been recognized as “Best Practice” by the Brazilian Secretariat for Human Rights. In 2010 the Association was awarded the Ashoka’s Changemakers prize in the category Social Technology for Women.


Organization: Centro de Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente de Ijuí (Center for the Defense of the Rights of the Child and Youth of Ijuí)

Location: Ijuí, Rio Grande do Sul

Projects supported by BrazilFoundation : Cri-Ação Gepeto (Cre-action Gepeto) (2005)

The Center was founded in 1999 to serve children and youth in socially vulnerable situations and/or in conflict with the law through programs and socio-educational projects. The project Cri-Ação Gepeto, a BrazilFoundation grantee in 2005, has developed carpentry workshops and created various partnerships, benefiting over 200 children. The Center seeks to change the lives of children and youth with integration, respect and dignity, by showing them that each person is responsible for their own actions and their own future.


Organization: Estação da Cultura (The Culture Station)

Location: Arcoverde, Pernambuco

Projects supported by BrazilFoundation: A Gente Construindo (We are Building) (2004)

In 2001, a group of youngsters from Pernambuco occupied a train station in the small town of Arcoverde that had been abandoned 20 years earlier to create a space for artistic and cultural expression. Estação da Cultura was then established but it had to fight the attempts from the local government to remove them from space.  BrazilFoundation was the first institution to support the group in 2004 and since then the initiative has gained the respect of the government, it has expanded its activities and has received grants from other organizations. The Station has become a thriving cultural center and was the first organization to be recognized as a “Ponto de Cultura” (Culture Point). *

* Title of recognition awarded by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture to institutions that have made socio-cultural impacts in their communities.


Organization : Centro de Agricultura Alternativa Vicente Nica – CAV (Vicente Nica Center for Alternative Agriculture – CAV)

Location: Turmalina, Minas Gerais


Projects supported by BrazilFoundation: Fortalecimento da Feira Livre dos Agricultores Familiares (2007) and Fortalecimento da Feira Livre dos Agricultores Familiares de Veredinha (Strengthening Veredinha’s Family Farmer’s Market) (2010)

The exodus of rural families in search of better living conditions was a common challenge faced by the residents of the Jequitinhonha Valley. Founded in 1994, the organization’s goal is to support local farmers and their families by encouraging alternative and sustainable farming practices so they can live in harmony with the local natural resources. The farmers actively participate in the Center’s activities, from planning, through management and execution. BrazilFoundation support was an important step for the Center to become recognized as a leader in the movement for small farmers throughout the region to gain market access. Through the development of market access, a channel for selling goods was opened, which has been improving the lives of the farmers and strengthening their ties with the land. After BrazilFoundation’s support in 2007, the number associated farmers with CAV rose from 35 to 76.


Organization: Associação de Paraplégicos de Uberlândia – APARU (The Association of Paraplegics of Uberlandia)

Location: Uberlândia, Minas Gerais


Projects supported by BrazilFoundation : Qualificando para Empregar (Qualifying to Employ) (2003 and 2005)

Founded in 1979, APARU is an organization established and led by people with physical disabilities for the defense of humanrights and the  improvement of the quality of life of the disabled. In 2003, BrazilFoundation supported the project Qualificando para Empregar, which is now in its seventh year. The project has helped to employ 354 people with physical disabilities. APARU has had a strong role in adapting the city of Uberlândia for people with disabilities. Some of its projects are nationally known, such as the campaign “Uberlândia Without Barriers” and the proposition to make the interstate public transportation accessible to people with reduced mobility. Currently, APARU is working in partnership with the local authorities and it is developing campaigns for athletes with disabilities as well as awareness campaigns against discrimination. In 2010, APARU received the Human Rights award in the category “Guarantee of the Rights of People with Disabilities”, granted by the Human Rights Secretariat of the Brazilian President.


Organization: Grupo Sociocultural e Ambiental Cem Modos (One hundred Ways Social-Cultural and Environmental  Group)

Location: Santa Rita, Maranhão

Projects supported by BrazilFoundation : Remédios e Comidas de Encantados e Voduns (Medicine Enchanted Foods and Voduns) (2003)

The Group’s mission is to support the social development of the northern communities of Maranhão, especially quilombo communities (Maroon settlements). A BrazilFoundation grantee in 2003, the group has been actively engaged with the local community with positive results and improvements in the quality of life of local residents. The support of BrazilFoundation opened doors for wards and recognitions. In 2010 the Group was designated a “Ponto de Cultura” (Point of Culture)*.

* Title of recognition awarded by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture to institutions that have made socio-cultural impacts in their communities.


Organization: Associação Vidança Cia. de Dança do Ceará (Association Vidança Dance Company) of Ceará)

Location: Fortaleza, Ceará


Projects supported by BrazilFoundation : Vidança (2003) and Tambores do Vidança (Drums of Vidança) (2005)

The Dance Company works with children and at-risk youth in the Vila Velha neighborhood, in the outskirts of Fortaleza. The Company uses different forms of artistic expressions for the development and improvement of the quality of life of its participants. A BrazilFoundation grantee in 2003 and 2005, Vidança has expanded its activities and the number of projects supported by other organizations. The Company makes presentions in Ceara and other states of Brazil. In 2007, they performed at the BrazilFoundation Annual Gala in New York. Vidança was designated a “Ponto de Cultura” (Point of Culture)* in 2009.

* Title of recognition awarded by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture to institutions that have made socio-cultural impacts in their communities.


Organization: Instituto Coração de Estudante (The Heart of the Student Institute)

Location: Pentecoste, Ceará


Projects supported by BrazilFoundation : Pré-Vestibular Cooperativo (2003), Incubadora de Células Educacionais (2005), and Escolas Populares Cooperativas (Popular Cooperative Schools) (2010)

BrazilFoundation grantee in 2003, 2005 and 2010, the Institute prepares  local youth for the college entrance exam. Over the years, its methodology has been applied in13 other communities of rural Ceará, and over four hundred students prepared by the Institute have been admitted to Federal University of Ceará. Many of them have graduated and have returned to their communities to assist other students to prepare for the entrance exams and to help the local community.  Through educational and social leadership the Institute is promoting the development of local communities in the region. The Institute has become a national best practice in education with its cooperative learning methodology.


Organization: Associação Barraca da Amizade (The Friendship Tent Association)

Location: Fortaleza, Ceará


Projects supported by BrazilFoundation: Reviver (Awakening) (2009)

A BrazilFoundation grantee in 2009, the Association focuses on the support of youth and children who face sexual exploitation in the town of Fortaleza and works to grant  them access to their rights. The project became a best practice in Fortaleza and the Association was invited to participate in the revision of the National Plan to Combat Sexual Exploitation in 2010.


Organization: Rede de Mulheres Produtoras do Pajeú (The Network of Women Producers of Pajeú)

Location: Afogados da Ingazeira, Pernambuco

Projects supported by BrazilFoundation: Água Limpa, Alimento Saudável e Saúde no Quintal de Casa (Clean Water, Healthy Food and Health in the Backyard) (2010)

Rede de Mulheres do Pajeú is the result of a project supported by BrazilFoundation in 2009: “Casa da Mulher do Nordeste” (House of the Women from the Northeast). The initiative sought to organize a women’s network to strengthen social, political and economic development of female artisans from the region of Pajeú, in Pernambuco. Through support of the organization, approximately 450 women from the region began selling their handcrafts in street fairs in Afogados and in neighboring towns to increase their families’ income. In 2010, Rede de Mulheres was granted support from BrazilFoundation to diversify their activities through the addition of natural foods production to their current strategies.


Organization: Ação Moradia (Action Housing)

Location: Uberlândia, Minas Gerais


Projects supported by BrazilFoundation: Tijolos Ecológicos (Ecological Bricks) (2003), Tijolos Ecológicos – Sistematizando para Multiplicar (Ecological Bricks – Creating a system to Multiply) (2006) e Construção Cidadã (Citizenship contruction) (2007)

Ação Moradia was founded in 2000 with the goal of improving the quality of life of at-risk families through the construction of affordable houses built with ecological bricks. Through its methodology, families make their own eco-bricks and build their own homes, which strengthens family and community ties. Currently, Ação Moradia has developed community enterprises, projects to secure food for the community and to steer community engagement. A BrazilFoundation grantee in 2003 and 2006, the organization has had national and international recognition and it has served over 2800 families. Acão Moradia’s eco-brick technology has been adopted by two other BrazilFoundation grantees, Associação de Formação e Reeducação Lua Nova and Banco Bem.


Organization: Centro de Educação Popular e Formação Social – CEPFS (Center for Popular Education and Social Formation)

Location:Teixeira, Paraíba


Projects supported by BrazilFoundation: Convivência com a Realidade Semi-árida (Living with with the Semi-arid Reality) (2006) and Difusão de Tecnologias para Segurança Hídrica no Semi-árido (Dissemination of Technologies to Secure Water in the Semi-Arid) (2008)

The CEPFS seeks to promote development through knowledge transfer and the production and diffusion of social, environmental and social technologies in order to achieve sustainable development in the Brazilian semiarid region. The organization encourages community participation, to empower local families so they are able to change their own reality. CEPFS was a BrazilFoundation grantee in 2006 and in 2008. In 2007, the project recived a donor advised grant from BrazilFoundation for the project “Água para a Vida” (Water for Life). The organization has received many awards as well as national and international recognition, such as the Prize von Martius for Sustainability, sponsored by the German-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and Industry,  and the accreditation of a CEPFS coordinator as  a “ Social Entrepreneur of Ashoka” in 2008. CEPFS is a Brazilian best practice in the field of Environmental Technologies.


Organization: Thydewa

Location: Salvador, Bahia

Projects supported by BrazilFoundation: Índio quer Paz (The Indians Want Peace) (2004)

Founded in 2002, the Organization’s goal is to promote intercultural dialogue to reduce prejudice and violence. Thydewa was a BrazilFoundation grantee in 2004, with the project Indio quer Paz, which developed activities in schools to promote understanding and respect towards the indigenous people.  Since then, the Organization has received several awards in the field of Human Rights, developed partnerships with the Brazilian government, local indigenous organizations and international organizations. The organization became a Pontão de Cultura (Distinguished Point of Culture)* in 2010 and has won the Prêmio de Cultura Digital (Digital Culture Award), granted by the Braziian Ministry of Culture, for the use of new information and communications technologies for the benefit OF indigenous rights and cultural preservation.

* Title of recognition awarded by the Brazilian Ministry of Culture to institutions that have made socio-cultural impacts in their communities.


Organization: Associação de Desenvolvimento Agrícola e Comunitário de Lagoa da Boa Vista (Association for the Rural and Community Development of Lagoa da Boa Vista)

Location: Lagoa da Boa Vista, Bahia

Projects supported by BrazilFoundation: Arte na Roça (Art in the Fields) (2007) e Aproximando Escola e Comunidade (Bringing School and Community Closer Together) (2008)

Located in a rural community in Bahia, the Association is an example of how a very small organization with few resources but good monitoring and support can achieve solid results. First supported by BrazilFoundation with an Incentive Award in 2007 and 2008, the organization has been recognized by the Municipality’s Department of Education, has partnered with the HSBC Bank, and hasgained respect throughout the Municipality for being the only organization working with children’s education in the area. The Association has also developed theater groups, dance, capoeira and soccer for children and young people from the local community.


Organization: Coletivo Ação Juvenil de Tucano (Tucano’s Youth Action Collective)

Location: Tucano, Bahia

Project supported by BrazilFoundation: Participação Juvenil no Orçamento Municipal (Youth Participation in Municipal Budget ) (2009)

The Group was founded in 2004 with the goal of training young leaders for work with public policy on youth related issues in the region. A BrazilFoundation grantee on 2009, the project Participação Juvenil organized youth participation and involvement in the Municipality’s budget. The action resulted in several amendments to guarantee municipal budgetary allocations for sports, culture, education and income generation for youth.


Organization: Rádio Comunitária Santa Luz FM (Community Radio Santa Luz FM)

Location: Santa Luz, Bahia


Project supported by BrazilFoundation: Partilhando Comunicação com a Comunidade (Sharing Communication with the Community) (2007)

The Radio Station was created in 1998 to promote the local and regional cultures, discuss issues related to local development and help the local population to monitor the city’s budget and spending, as well as to inform the population about issues related to the rights and responsibilities of the population. After nine years of struggle for an operating license with the Brazilian Ministry of Communications, the Station received the required permits following permits following BrazilFoundation’s support. The Radio Station has an extremely active agenda. It has partnerships with the Universidade de Feira de Santana (University of Feira de Santana), and with the Instituto Maria Quiteria (Maria Quiteria Institute), a BrazilFoundation grantee in 2008 and 2009.


Organization: Movimento de Mulheres Nordeste Paraense (Women’s Movement of the Northeast of Para)

Location: Capanema, Pará

Project supported by BrazilFoundation: Mulheres Protagonistas do Desenvolvimento
(Women as Protagonists of Development) (2006)

In 1997, female workers, members of a maroon settlement from a riverbank region joined together to confront the culture of violence against women, and to promote the recognition of women’s rights, while generating concrete strategies for the exercise of their rights. A BrazilFoundation grantee in 2006, the project Mulheres Protagonistas achieved a seat on the Women’s Rights State Council.



DISTINGUISHED ORGANIZATIONS: will be featured on the Foundation’s website and in the BrazilFoundation10 Years publication. They will have access to the methodology for systematic documentation of memory produced for the Project BrazilFoundation 10 Years.


Organization City State
Núcleo Especial de Atenção à Criança – NEAC Campo Grande RJ
Programa Social Crescer e Viver Rio de Janeiro RJ
Instituto de Artes Tear Rio de Janeiro RJ
Associação de Apoio ao Projeto Quixote São Paulo SP
Associação Educacional e Assistencial Casa do Zezinho São Paulo SP
Instituto Agroflorestal Bernardo Hakvoort – IAF Turvo PR
Fundação Brasil Cidadão para Educação, Cultura e Tecnologia – FBC Fortaleza CE
Instituto de Ecocidadania Juriti Joazeiro do Norte CE
Sociedade Musical 5 de Novembro -REVOLTOSA Nazaré da Mata PE
Grupo Mulher Maravilha Recife PE
Centro Diocesano de Apoio ao Pequeno Produtor Pesqueira PE
Associação das Mulheres de Nazaré da Mata – AMUNAM Nazaré da Mata PE
Fundação de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos Margarida Maria Alves João Pessoa PB


HONORABLE MENTION: will be included on the BrazilFoundation Project Bank. Organizations that receive honorable mention will also be featured on the Foundation’s website, and in the BrazilFoundation 10 Years publication.



Organization City State
Espaço Artaud Rio de Janeiro RJ
Grupo Sócio-Cultural Código Japeri RJ
OCA – Instituto de Assistência, Tratamento, Capacitação e Pesquisa em Saúde, Educação e Cultura Teresópolis RJ
Associação Cultural e Comunitária de São Gonçalo “SEMPRE VIVA” São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras MG
Instituto Maramar para a Gestão Responsável dos Ambientes Costeiro e Marinho de Santos Santos SP
Associação de Pais e Professores da Escola de Educação Básica São José Herval d’Oeste SC
Associação de Trabalhadores em Ofícios Vários, Carroceiros e Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis – ATRACAR Gravataí RS
Associação Comunitária dos Moradores de Caponga da Bernarda Aquiraz CE
Centro das Mulheres da Vitória de Santo Antão Vitória de Santo Antão PE
Grupo de Apoio aos Meninos de Rua – GAMR Gravatá PE
Sindicato dos Trabalhadores no Serviço Público do Município de Gentio do Ouro – SINDSERV Gentio do Ouro BA


BrazilFoundation would like to thank all organizations who sent submissions to this year’s Call for Proposals and for the valuable contribution they have made to the Foundation throughout this process of analysis and reflection.