2016 Call for Proposals – Selected Projects

11/05/2016 • Publicado em

Dear friends,

This year BrazilFoundation received 1,563 proposals from 529 municipalities through its 2016 Call for Proposals. This was the highest number of projects we have ever received throughout our 15 years, and a 97% increase in demand compared to the previous call. These figures indicate that not only is Brazil’s social sector experiencing a shortage in resources due to the economic crisis, but that there are higher levels of engagement and innovation in civil society. The proposals we received represent the dreams of Brazilian men and women who strive for justice, equality, and opportunity – initiatives that need and deserve our support.

We analyzed the proposals with great care and are now proud to announce funding for 48 projects. R$ 1.9 million will be invested in these initiatives, including R$ 1.35 million in direct grants. Besides receiving financial support, each grantee’s leadership will receive training in strategic planning, financial management, fundraising, and institutional communications. They will also have the opportunity to participate in exchanges with other organizations in the BrazilFoundation network. In addition to these 48 grants, BrazilFoundation invested R$ 240,000 in 12 collaborative projects as well as approximately R$ 500,000 in 75 informal initiatives in the first half of 2016, altogether totaling an investment of R$ 2.65 million across 135 transformative initiatives in Brazil.

These investments were only made possible because of the contributions of over 1,500 individuals and dozens of companies across numerous events and fundraising campaigns – organized by our volunteers and supporters, to whom we extend our deepest gratitude.

We know that there is still much to be done, and that many excellent proposals were not selected to receive funding. In October of this year we will invite 50 organizations that were not selected to submit proposals for a new round of funding.

We would also like to acknowledge our partnership with Institute BMF&BOVESPA, which will help enable a second year of support for 20 of the 48 projects through the BVSA platform.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at: edital@brazilfoundation.org.

Below is the list of projects to receive funding through the 2016 Call for Proposals:

Programmatic Area:

Education & Culture

Socioeconomic Development

Social Enterprise


Human Rights & Civic Engagement


Education & Culture

1. Associação Cultural Vila Flores – ACVF 

ConvexoLab Vila Flores – Educação e Cultura Unindo a Comunidade, Transformando Um Território
Porto Alegre, RS
Promoting entrepreneurial and problem-solving skills for children and adolescents in Porto Alegre. (Gala NY)

2. Associação Escola de Notícias 

Escola Comunitária de Comunicação 2016: Identidade, Território e Economia da Criatividade
São Paulo, SP
Training in communications for youth in the Campo Limpo neighborhood, providing them access to culture and the labor market. (Galas NY and Miami)

3. Associação Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré 

Curso Preparatório para o Ensino Médio
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
A preparatory course for teenagers and youth providing them access to quality public and technical schools. (in partnership with Instituto Phi)

4. Centro Popular de Cultura e Desenvolvimento 

Projeto Sementinha (ou “A escola debaixo do pé-de-manga”)
São Paulo, SP
Making pre-school education more inclusive, democratic, and accessible by mobilizing community members to act as educators and utilize local knowledge and culture. (Early Childhood Fund)

5. Escola Fábrica de Espetáculos – Spectaculu 

Spectaculu em 5 Minutos
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Technical training and job placement for youth in the audiovisual and cultural industries. (Gala NY)

6. Grupo Artístico e Cultural Os Arteiros 

Os Arteiros
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Transforming youth as cultural leaders through training and co-working so that they can start their own artistic endeavors. (Gala NY)

7. Instituto Banco da Periferia 

Coletivo Desenvolvedoras da Periferia
Fortaleza, CE
Providing young women training in IT and entrepreneurship to promote their inclusion in the technology sector and to stimulate local innovation. (Gala Miami)

8. Instituto Constelação 

Educação para Primeira Infância
Recife, PE
Improving the homes of children assisted by the organization to minimize health risks caused by improper housing. (Gala Miami)

9. Instituto Espaço Sitiê de Meio Ambiente, Artes e Tecnologia 

Movimento Sitiê: Agricultura Urbana, Reflorestamento e Cidadania
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Environmental education, integration and sustainability in the Vidigal community. (Gala NY)

10. Instituto Pelo Bem do Planeta 

Projeto Douradinho em Valadares
Governador Valadares, MG
Environmental education in the Rio Doce region. (Minas Fund)

11. Instituto Profissionalizante Mangueira

IP Mangueiras
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Professional training to promote autonomy and economic independence for women. (Gala Miami)

12. Instituto Tecnologia e Dignidade Humana 

Mobilização Educacional para o Uso Saudável e Seguro de Tecnologias Digitais por Crianças e Adolescente
Curitiba, PR
Training teachers, families and advocates to promote the conscious and safe use of digital technologies among children and adolescents. (Gala Miami)

13. ModaFusion 

Casa Geração Vidigal
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
A fashion lab where young talent from Rio’s communities can create, innovate and embark on their entrepreneurial ventures in fashion. (Gala NY in partnership with P&G)

14. Vozes da Comunidade da Vila Prudente 

Vozes da Vila Prudente
São Paulo, SP
Using communications and citizen journalism to strengthen youth leadership and problem-solving skills in the Vila Prudente communities. (Gala Miami)


Socioeconomic Development

15. Agenda Pública 

Ações de Impacto Rápido para os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS)
São Paulo, SP
Developing and promoting impactful solutions to each of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). (Gala Miami)

16. Amigos de Iracambi 

Florestas para Água
Rosário da Limeira, MG
Reversing environmental damage in the region through forest recovery and planting seedlings in areas with recharging springs. (Minas Fund)

17. Associação Ateliê de Ideias

Bem Morar
Vitória, ES
Providing low-income families in Cariacica access to adequate housing by teaching women to build their own homes. (Women’s Fund)

18. Associação da Escola Família Agroecológica do Macacoari – AEFAM 

Criação de Galinhas Caipiras Sustentável
Itaubal, AP
Strengthening family farming to help diversify incomes for the riverside population of Itaubal. (Gala Miami)

19. Associação dos Horticultores de Bento Rodrigues 

Aquisição de insumos para agroindustria de geléia de pimenta biquinho
Mariana, MG
Creating income generation and development opportunities by expanding the local production of pepper jelly. (Minas Fund)

20. Associação dos Pequenos Produtores Rurais São José do Baixio 

Viver no Quilombo
Barra do Bugres, MT
The project will acquire harvesting equipment and train young farmers to help them their expand cassava production, increasing their incomes. (Gala Miami)

21. ONG Florescer

Recicla Jeans
São Paulo, SP
Training young women from Paraisópolis to create garments from the scraps of jeans and recycled textiles. (Women’s Fund, in partnership with P&G)

22. Cooperativa Mista Agroextrativista do Rio Unini – COOMARU 

“Pactos da Castanha no Rio Negro”, Novos Arranjos Comerciais no Extrativismo de Produtos Florestais
Barcelos, AM
Increasing production of the Brazil nut and creating opportunities for its fair trade. (Gala Miami)

23. FA.VELA – Fundo de Aceleração para o Desenvolvimento Vela 

PIPA – Programa de Intervenção Participativa em Aglomerados
Belo Horizonte, MG
Teaching entrepreneurial skills to the residents of the Morro do Papagaio community to help stimulate small businesses. (Minas Fund)

24. Instituto de Permacultura EcoVIDA São Miguel

Agroecologia e Educação Para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável de Base Comunitária
Belo Horizonte, MG
Using low-cost, high-impact, ecologically-sustainable technology to promote permaculture. (Minas Fund)

25. Um Litro de Luz Brasil 

Iluminando Amazonas
Caapiranga, AM
Facilitating access to economically and environmentally-sustainable sources of light for riverside families who otherwise would not have the resources or electricity to obtain it. (Gala Miami)

26. Instituto do Homem Pantaneiro 

Institutional Support
Corumbá, MS
Monitoring the biodiversity of the Paraguay River and promoting environmental education in the Pantanal region. (Gala Miami Auction)


Social Enterprise

27. Associação Arquitetos Sem Fronteiras, Belo Horizonte

Arquitetura na Periferia: Assessoria Técnica à Grupos de Mulheres para a Melhoria da Moradia
Belo Horizonte, MG
Empowering women to perform small renovations on their residences, in turn improving the quality of their housing. (Women’s Fund)

28. Associação dos Moradores, Pescadores e Marisqueiras do Povoado de Barra de Caravelas 

Novas Formas de Renda e Participação Coletiva: Aproveitamento dos Resíduos da Pesca do Camarão Para a Geração de Renda e Empregos e Redução do Impacto no Ambiente em Caravelas (BA)
Caravelas, BA
Income generation for youth in a fisherman community by utilizing waste from fishing activities to produce shrimp flour. (Gala Miami)

29. Associação Vida em Ação 

Solidariedade na Marmita
São Paulo, SP
The project will create a social enterprise using organic Brazilian cuisine to promote social inclusion and income generation opportunities for people afflicted by mental illness. (Gala Miami)

30. Ciclo Orgânico 

Pessoas, Bicicletas, Baldes e Composteiras: Transformando o que Antes Era Lixo em Fonte de Vida
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Creating sustainable systems that use composting to process tons of organic trash daily. (Gala NY)

31. Pranah

Pranah – Aprendizado Adaptativo e Conhecimento de Aptidões para Crianças e Jovens da Base da Pirâmide
Niterói, RJ
Improving school performance and future career opportunities for children and adolescents by providing them vocational advising and tools to develop their socio-emotional skills. (Gala NY)



32. Associação Expedicionários da Saúde – EDS 

Complexo Hospitalar Móvel – Operando na Amazônia, AM
Amazônia, AM
EDS will realize an expedition with volunteer doctors, state-of-the-art technology, and a mobile surgical center to attend remote indigenous communities in the Amazon. (Gala Miami)

33. Rede Postinho de Saúde Organização de Saúde Preventiva

Promoção da Saúde das Mulheres Moradoras das Comunidades do Cantagalo, Pavão e Pavãozinho
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Preventing disease and promoting care for women in communities throughout Rio de Janeiro through multidisciplinary outpatient care. (Women’s Fund)


Human Rights & Civic Engagement

34. Ação Jovem Brasil 

Formação Cidadã para Jovens do Ensino Médio das Escolas Públicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Providing training in civic engagement and policy to youth from public schools to promote improvements both inside and outside the classroom. (Gala NY)

35. AECCI – Associação dos Ex-Conselheiros e Conselheiros da Infância 

Juventude Conquistando Seus Direitos
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Youth acting as leaders to combat the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents. (Gala NY)

36. ACECCI – Ação Cearense de Combate à Corrupção e Impunidade 

Caravana da Cidadania e Auditoria Cívica
Fortaleza, CE
Strengthening social accountability against corruption by providing training that promotes awareness and oversight of public agencies. (Gala Miami)

37. Associação Arquitetos Sem Fronteiras, Mariana

Assessoria Técnica para os atingidos da Barragem de Mariana
Mariana, MG
Assisting families who lost their homes from the environmental disaster in Mariana, guaranteeing their participation in the decision making and reconstruction process. (Minas Fund)

38. Associação Estadual de Defesa Ambiental e Social – AEDAS 

Promoção da Auto-Organização dos Atingidos pela Barragem de Rejeitos da Samarco em Mariana para Negociação Coletiva de Reparos de Perdas e Danos
Mariana, MG
Advising riverside families affected by the environmental disaster in Mariana, MG as a means to protect their rights. (Minas Fund)

39. Bom Senso Futebol Clube 

Paz nos Estádios
São Paulo, SP
Mobilizing the soccer community, including clubs, the public ministry, the police force, organized fan clubs, and federations, to reduce violence surrounding the sport. (Gala Miami)

40. CÁRITAS Diocesiana de Governador Valadares 

Articulação e Fortalecimento da Rede de Movimentos e Entidades Sociais na Defesa da Bacia do Rio Doce
Governador Valadares, MG
Community empowerment for the socioenvironmental and humanistic recovery of the Rio Doce region. (Minas Fund)

41. Coletivo MICA – Mídia, Identidade, Cultura e Arte

Polifonia – O Direito à Comunicação é Universal
Mariana, MG
Helping protect and promote the rights of residents in Mariana through communications courses for students in its public schools. (Minas Fund)

42. Coletivo Papo Reto 

Nós por Nós
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Using communications and audiovisual tools to defend the human rights and safety of residents from Complexo do Alemão and Penha. (Gala NY)

43. Coletivo Um Minuto de Sirene

Jornal A Sirene (em parceria com Coletivo MICA)
Mariana, MG
Preserving the history and memory of those affected by the environmental disaster in Mariana. (Minas Fund)

44. Federação das Associações de Moradores Urbanos e Rurais de Japeri – FAMEJA 

Fortalecimento Comunitário e Regularização das Associações de Moradores de Japeri
Japeri, RJ
Strengthening and formalizing the Japeri resident associations that give visibility to city demands and promote public awareness. (Gala NY)

45. Laboratório Brasileiro de Cultura Digital  

Residência Hacker para Jovens Transformadores
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
A digital lab providing training and mentoring to youth so that they can develop their own social and political transformation initiatives. (Gala Miami)

46. Movimento de Mulheres Trabalhadoras Rurais da Região Semiárida da Bahia Jovens Mulheres Rurais 

Participação e Cidadania no Sertão da Bahia
Serrinha, BA
Strengthening the initiatives of young, rural women activists who work with public policies affecting women. (Gala Miami)

47. NAMI Rede Feminista de Arte Urbana 

Graffiti Pelo Fim da Violência Contra a Mulher – Formação para Psicólogas
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Teaching psychologists who specialize in gender relations to use graffiti as a tool to prevent violence against women. (Gala NY)

48. NEPP – Núcleo Ecológico Pedras Preciosas 

Mais Verde, Mais Vida
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Mobilizing residents of Rio de Janeiro’s favelas to promote environmentally-friendly lifestyle practices. (Gala NY)