2019 Call for Proposals – Selected Projects

26/03/2019 • Publicado em Uncategorized

2019 Call for Proposals – Selected Projects

After a thorough evaluation process, BrazilFoundation announces the results of the 2019 Call for Proposals: 40 organizations in 15 Brazilian states will receive grants, and 10 previously-funded organizations will receive renewed support.

A total of R$ 1,770,000 will be dispersed for the organizations to develop and execute their projects. This year’s Call for Proposals was by invitation only, where we invited organizations that were mapped by BrazilFoundation or recommended by our network of partners to submit proposals. This year, in addition to funding the traditional thematic areas of Education and Culture, Health, Human Rights and Civic Engagement, and Socioeconomic Development, we will also be funding two new areas: Socioeconomic Inclusion for the Formerly Incarcerated, and Advocacy for Philanthropy to improve regulation in the social sector.

The selected initiatives will receive financial investment, technical support, mentoring, scholarships to participate in the ABCR Festival – the country’s largest fundraising event – and access to other forms of funding such as our leadership exchange program for knowledge exchange.

Funds for this Call for Proposals were made possible through partnerships with EM Fund, Katia Francesconi Charitable Fund and through the supporters of the galas in New York, São Paulo and Minas Gerais. In the second semester of this year we will launch a public Call for Proposals.

Other lines of support in 2019:

Partnership for Minas Gerais and Baixo Guandu
In partnership with Fundação Renova, BrazilFoundation launched a public Call for Proposals for organizations, cooperatives and collectives that promote socioeconomic development and entrepreneurship in eastern Minas Gerais and Baixo Guandu, Espírito Santo. A total of R$ 738,197 will be invested in 13 initiatives from six cities in this first phase of the partnership. A second Call for Proposals is planned to take place in the second semester of this year.

Brumadinho Call for Proposals
BrazilFoundation also launched a Call for Proposals to support initiatives in the Brumadinho region and contribute to its recovery and socioeconomic development in the medium to long term. The selected projects will be announced on April 15, 2019.

For questions, please contact us at: edital@brazilfoundation.org.

Press: press@brazilfoundation.org.

Below is the list of projects to receive funding through the 2019 Call for Proposals:

Programmatic Area:

Advocacy for Philanthropy

Education & Culture

Socioeconomic Development


Human Rights & Civic Engagement

Renewed Support

In partnership with Fundação Renova


Advocacy for Philanthropy

1. ABCR – Associação Brasileira de Captadores de Recursos

São Paulo, SP | Advocating to improve philanthropic legislation for CSOs


São Paulo, SP | #LiftUpPhilanthropy | Developing a support system for a thriving philanthropic sector in Brazil


Education & Culture

3. Associação Franciscana de Defesa de Direitos e Formação Popular

Poá, SP | Centro de Cultura e Defesa de Direitos Humanos Uneafro Brasil – Educação para Mudar a Vida | Mobilizing and preparing youth and adults from peripheral communities for higher education

4. Associação Ballet Paraisópolis

São Paulo, SP | Ballet Paraisópolis – Construindo Sonhos | Ballet and contemporary dance for children and adolescents from peripheral communities

5. Associação de Promoção Humana Divina Providência – Unidade Cidade dos Meninos São Vicente de Paulo

Ribeirão da Neves, MG | Cuidando de Quem Cuida | Professional training and empowerment for socially vulnerable populations

6. Associação Primeira Chance

Fortaleza, CE | (in partnership with EM Fund) Elos para Construção da Cidadania | Helping keep low-income youth in school and improve their family and community relationships

7. CAP – Reynaldo Gianecchini

Birigui, SP | Projeto Giane: O Amor tem Pressa | Developing the skills of children and youth through education, art, sports and entrepreneurship

8. Centro De Educação Para o Trabalho Virgílio Resi (CEDUC)

Belo Horizonte, MG | Aprendizes e Mídias: Impulso Educativo | Refining the digital skills of youth and adult CEDUC students

9. Instituto Fazer Acontecer

Salvador, BA | Fazendo Acontecer a Educação com o Esporte | Training educators to use sports as an inclusion and socialization tool for children and adolescents

10. Instituto Manda Ver

Maceió, AL | (in partnership with Katia Francesconi Charitable Fund) MandaVer Comunidade | Improving the organization’s infrastructure so they can provide cultural and sport activities for children and adolescents

11. Oficina Escola de Lutheria da Amazônia – OELA

Manaus, AM | Lutheria na Amazônia – Sons da Floresta | Teaching youth in the Amazon how to make, maintain and restore musical instruments with forest materials

12. Onda Solidária

Santana do Deserto, MG | Transformação Jovem – Comunidade Solidária | Engaging young leaders to discuss topics like gender equality, bullying and sexuality in their communities

13. Projeto Roda Viva

Rio de Janeiro, RJ | (in partnership with EM Fund) Roda de Saberes | Building a community library and space to hold prep courses for adolescents to enroll in technical schools

14. Serta – Serviço de Tecnologia Alternativa

Ibimirim, PE | O Campo é o Meu Lugar | Fostering entrepreneurialism in rural youth and facilitating farm succession planning


Socioeconomic Development

15. Associação dos Produtores Orgânicos de Iranduba – APOI

Iranduba, AM | Transição Agroecológica no Assentamento de Projeto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Cachoeira | Supporting settler families and farmers to transition to sustainable methods of agriculture

16. Associação de Defesa Etnoambiental Kanindé

Porto Velho, RO | Casa de Farinha | Improving the safety and efficiency of local flour production to increase incomes

17. Associação Comunitária e de Produtores Rurais Santo Antônio do Mamori

Careiro, AM | Aprender Fazendo | Expanding an association’s practices to create income generation opportunities for local family farmers

18. Associação Querubins

Belo Horizonte, MG | Mão na Massa | Culinary training for youth from peripheral communities for jobs and a better life

19. Associação SOS Amazônia

Rio Branco, AC | Melhorar a Gestão para Conservar Mais | Implementing a compliance program and diversifying funding sources for the organization

20. Associação Zagaia Amazônia

Manaus, AM | Economia Criativa e Soluções Financeiras | Fostering an indigenous artisan women’s supply chain to increase incomes

21. BlackRocks

São Paulo, SP | (in partnership with EM Fund) BlackRocks | Formalizing the organization to better support young black entrepreneurs and increase their reach

22. Fundação Almerinda Malaquias

Novo Airão, AM | Ateliê das Crianças e Adolescentes | Environmental education for children and adolescents in the Amazon forest

23. Instituto CrediPaz

São Paulo, SP | CrediPaz | Providing credit to microentrepreneurs in disadvantaged communities to promote their inclusion

24. Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamiraua

Tefé, AM | Centro Vocacional Tecnológico | Supporting local leaders to conserve the Amazon and improve life for traditional communities

25. Suraras do Tapajós

Santarém, PA | (in partnership with EM Fund) Mulheres Indígenas do Baixo Tapajós: Fazendo Arte e Gerando Renda | Training indigenous women to make jewelry for income and to preserve local culture



26. Associação Médicos do Mundo

Curitiba, PR | Médicos de Rua, Mais do que Saúde | Providing health and legal services for people and animals living on the street

27. CENEP – Centro de Educação Popular

Nova Palmeira, PB | Geração de Bem Estar Social e Prevenção na Saúde | Encouraging practices like healthy eating, meditation and acupuncture for wellness and illness prevention

28. Fundação Benjamin Guimarães – Hospital da Baleia

Belo Horizonte, MG | Portal Hospital da Baleia | Building a website to share research and health services for thousands of patients in MG


Human Rights & Civic Engagement

29. Ação Educativa

São Paulo, SP | Cultura, Identidade e Projetos de Vida | Improving conditions for justice-involved adolescents by training professionals in the institutions that serve them

30. Associação de Justiça Restaurativa Passarela Alternativa

São Paulo, SP | Escola de Moda Alternativa | Education and professional training for justice-involved girls and presently and formerly-incarcerated women

31. Estamparia Social

São Paulo, SP | Estamparia Social | Professional training in sewing and printmaking for the formerly-incarcerated population

32. Gerando Falcões – Programa Recomeçar

São Paulo, SP | Projeto Recomeçar | Professional training and psychological services for the formerly-incarcerated and their families, supporting their return to the workforce

33. Grupo Cultural AfroReggae

Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Agência de Empregos Segunda Chance | Promoting the professional and social re-entry of the formerly-incarcerated by providing them guidance and creating awareness among society

34. Instituto Ação Social Pela Paz

São Paulo, SP | Sistematização do Projeto Semeando Sonhos – Despertando Possibilidades | Supporting the re-entry process for the formerly-incarcerated through dialogue on professional planning and personal healing

35. Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Amazônia Mais

Manaus, AM | Rede de Guardiões da Floresta | Training a citizens network to use technology to denounce environmental crimes in Amazonas state

36. IDBR – Instituto Identidades do Brasil

Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Programa Sim à Igualdade Racial de Bolsas de Estudo | A scholarship program to promote the employment and inclusion of Afro-Brazilians from peripheral communities

37. Instituto Minas pela Paz

Belo Horizonte, MG | Programa Pró APAC | Professional training and social integration for the APAC incarcerated populations

38. Instituto Papel de Menino

Franco da Rocha, SP | Padaria Escola Pão Nosso | Providing justice-involved youth professional training and cultural activities before and after their sentences to facilitate their growth and re-entry

39. Instituto Responsa

São Paulo, SP | Recriar e Inserir | Professional training and emotional and personal counseling for the formerly-incarcerated

40. Ong Ágatha

Aracaju, SE | FOPS – Formação Educacional e Profissional Social | Literacy, professional training and entrepreneurship for youth and adult incarcerated people in Sergipe


Renewed Support

In partnership with EM Fund:

41. Ame o Tucunduba

Belém, PA | Fala Tucunduba | Teaching young leaders to manage the region’s water resources and create local change

42. Cooperativa Social de Trabalho Arte Feminina Empreendedora (COOSTAFE)

Ananindeua, PA | Costurando Vidas | Artisanship providing professional development and income for formerly-incarcerated women

43. Instituto Projeto Sonhar

São Paulo, SP | Projeto Sonhar Famílias | Guidance, healthcare and income generation for families in Capão Redondo

44. Marginal, Coletivo

Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Institutional Support | Formalizing the collective and organizing the Escola Margem, the first school for community educators in the City of God

45. MMNEPA – Movimento de Mulheres do Nordeste Paraense

Capanema, PA | Um Novo Mundo é Possível: Mulheres pelo Fim da Violência | Training community leaders and articulating public policies to reduce domestic violence against women

46. Quabales

Salvador, BA | Quabales | Music as a tool for social transformation

47. Urece Esporte e Cultura

Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Construindo um Amanhã com Igualdade | Training public school teachers to teach students who are visually-impaired, promoting their autonomy and overall respect for differences

Minas Fund:

48. História em Construção

Belo Horizonte, MG | Morro Verde | Promoting education and integration through a community garden

49. Instituto Mano Down

Belo Horizonte, MG | Alfabetizar para Empoderar | Training teachers to improve literacy instruction to people with Down Syndrome

In partnership with Katia Francesconi Charitable Fund:

50. Casa Do Rio

Careiro Castanho, AM | Casa do Rio | Promoting sustainable development, income generation and identity in riverside communities


In partnership with Fundação Renova

Socioeconomic Development, Entrepreneurialism and Income Generation

1. Associação da Escola Família Agrícola de Camões

Sem Peixe, MG | Projeto de Fortalecimento Institucional | Supporting projects, workshops and encounters that can improve quality of life for rural families

2. Associação de Artesãos Mãos do Povo

Resplendor, MG | Arte de Viver | Training and supporting artisans in sales

3. Associação de Cooperação Agrícola 1 de Junho

Tumiritinga, MG | Renovação do Alambique “Mineira do Leste” | Acquiring new equipment for a distillery to produce better, more profitable products

4. Associação de Produtores Rurais do Córrego Mutum Claro

Baixo Guandu, ES | Massa dos Sonhos | Equipping an artisanal bakery for local producers

5. Associação de Produtores Rurais do Córrego Mutum Preto

Baixo Guandu, ES | Saúde na Cesta | Helping small rural farmers to sell high-quality produce at accessible, yet profitable, prices

6. Associação do Assentamento Cachoeirinha (AAC)

Tumiritinga, MG | Revitalização do Laticínio de Tumiritinga | Promoting technologies that can scale dairy product production for family farmers

7. Associação dos Agricultores Rurais de Ipaba

Ipaba, MG | Projeto de Irrigação por Gotejamento | Increasing family farmers’ productivity and sales to increase their incomes and improve local diets

8. Associação dos Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis Natureza Viva (ASCANAVI)

Governador Valadares, MG | Promoção Social na Gestão de Resíduos em Governador Valadares | Helping waste pickers improve their productivity and the safety of work conditions

9. Associação dos Pescadores e Amigos do Rio Doce (APARD)

Governador Valadares, MG | Projeto Surubim | Transferring technology to local fishermen to harvest and sell freshwater fish

10. Atelier Lar Doce Lar

Resplendor, MG | Atelier lar Doce Lar | Workshops on making artisanal goods to promote income and inclusion

11. Conselho de Desenvolvimento Comunitário do Barbosa (CCB)

Sem Peixe, MG | Fortalecimento da produção agroindustrial familiar da comunidade do Barbosa | Acquiring equipment to improve working conditions and market opportunities for traditional confectioners

12. Doces Artesanais Ilha da Fantasia

Baixo Guandu, ES | Produzindo Doces e Adoçando Vidas | Acquiring equipment to expand dairy-product candy confection, improve work conditions and reach new markets

13. Mimos da Mari

Resplendor, MG | Mimos da Mari | Expanding artisanal production and creating a network of women artisans to promote local economic development