A Network of Support for the Amazon

22/10/2020 • Publicado em Institutional News

A Network of Support for the Amazon

In partnership with BrazilFoundation, Conservação Internacional (CI-Brasil) and Costa Brazil, today Pangaia is launching an exclusive collection of t-shirts produced in support of the Brazilian Amazon – with 100% of proceeds going to the Amazônia Sempre (Amazon Forever) campaign!

Want to help? It’s simple: go to the Pangaia website, choose your favorite style and purchase. And that’s it! Your purchase will go towards the Amazônia Sempre campaign! The collection includes recycled cotton sweatshirts and organic cotton T-shirts with exclusive art by American artist Nick Theobald and commissioned by Francisco Costa.

Amazônia Sempre is a partnership between BrazilFoundation and Conservation International (CI-Brasil) to reduce the effects of COVID-19 both now and in the long-term for indigenous, quilombola and riverine populations, communities who play a fundamental role in natural resource preservation and territorial recovery.