The Plan B Institute, a BrazilFoundation grantee this year, offers vocational training to adolescents and young adults living in Jaboatão dos Guararapes, a region in the Recife metropolitan area afflicted by urban violence and a low rate of investment in the public school system. Through the “Technical Future Plan,” 90 youths went through a course to help them gain admission in the technical schools in the state. In December, before the end of the course, we at BrazilFoundation were happy to celebrate, hand-in-hand with Plan B, the acceptance of 17 students into the state’s technical schools. Through the coursework, they can now take advantage of the growing demand for skilled labor in the industrial complex that has developed in the region. At the same time, this will give them an opportunity to discover their talents and uncover opportunities for a better life.
A positive turn in the life of youths in Pernambuco.
25/02/2014 •
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