ADEL wins the UNDP / Assembleia do Ceará ilovethiscity Award

26/10/2011 • Publicado em Uncategorized
Fonte: Adel,

ADEL was the winner of the UNDP / Assembleia do Ceará – ilovethiscity Award, with the project  Tecnologia Social de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (Social  Technology to Strengthen Family Farming), which aims to enhance and articulate knowledge, talent, and opportunities for economic and social development in the state Ceará.

Through the ilovethiscity  Award the UNDP, United Nations Development Program aims to recognize, encourage, and disseminate practices for poverty eradication in the region.

ADEL, a BrazilFoundation grantee in 2008 and 2009, works to promote economic development through technical assistance, micro-credit, training small business management, and creating employment opportunities and generating income in communities of Ceará