BM&FBOVESPA Institute and BrazilFoundation announce the creation of a social joint venture

04/02/2015 • Publicado em GranteesInstitutional News

The BM&FBOVESPA Institute and BrazilFoundation have announced an unprecedented social joint venture to attract sponsors to projects run by Brazilian Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).  The partnership combines BrazilFoundation’s expertise on selection, capacity building and supervision of social projects, with BVSA’s worldwide pioneering model for fundraising and account rendering via a virtual platform based on concepts similar to those of a stock exchange. The common vision of this initiative is the need to build a culture of Transformative Philanthropy in Brazil.
The two institutions will maintain their institutional and organizational identities. They will act as co-investors and co-operators, benefitting at least 20 projects every year. The projects will be selected by a mixed selection committee, in line with the United Nation’s Eight Millennium Goals and the criteria and activity areas of BrazilFoundation. Each project will be granted an initial investment of around R$ 40,000 from BrazilFoundation and will be able to raise additional funds of up to R$ 50,000 at BVSA. The projects will be listed for one year.
By combining their global visions, experiences and accumulated knowledge, the two institutions will be involved in the development of an original model for social actions in Brazil. The two bodies will show Brazil and the world a tangible example of how the optimization and combination of competencies can strengthen individual missions while establishing a common objective, thus helping targets to be met in full.
For information on how to become a “socio-environmental investor”, just register at the portal, choose the projects to which you want to contribute – according to theme, beneficiaries or region – and build your donations portfolio. Donations start at R$ 20.00, and can be made via credit card or bank payment slip. Legal Persons are entitled to tax breaks: the donated amounts, classified as operating expenses, are tax-deductible up to a limit of 2% of the company’s operating profit (only legal persons taxed according to the actual profit regime are entitled to such a tax deduction). The CSOs that wish to include their projects are obliged to take part in the selection process, organized by the BrazilFoundation through BVSA’s portal.



  Benefitted NGO Benefitted Project City State Region
1 Associação Incubadora Social Gastromotiva Vocational Cooking Course – Salvador Expansion Salvador, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro BA, SP and RJ Southeast
2 Instituto Luther King de Ensino, Pesquisa e Ação Afirmativa (ILK) Pedagogic Modernization of the Preparatory Course for the Public University Admission Exam and Enem Campo Grande MS Central West
3 Instituto Coração de Estudante Solidary Investment Fund Pentecoste CE Northeast
4 Associação de Estudantes de Paramoti Our Culture Is Peace-Oriented Paramoti CE Northeast
5 Associação Cultural Quabales – Música, Cultura, Arte, Cidadania e Meio Ambiente Quabales Salvador BA Northeast
6 Fundação Lar Feliz I’ve Grown Up, and Now What? Juazeiro BA Northeast
7 MMNEPA – Movimento de Mulheres do Nordeste Paraense Strengthening of Entrepreneurial Women’s Initiatives: Building and Spreading Knowledge in Agroecology Capanema PB North
8 ADETT – Associação de Desenvolvimento Tecnológico de Tauá Digital Entrepreneur Tauá CE Northeast
9 Associação Comunitária dos Moradores de Mandassaia II Involve Rural Women in Sustainable Development and Job and Income Creation Riachão do Jacuípe BA Northeast
10 ADEL – Agência de Desenvolvimento Econômico Local Néctar in the Sertão Pentecoste CE Northeast
11 Lovefútbol Brasil Social Alliance Arena Recife PE Northeast
12 Themis – Assessoria Jurídica e Estudos de Gênero Grassroots Defenders: A New Way to Provide Access to Justice in Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre RS South
13 Casa da Criança e do Adolescente Joker Volta Redonda RJ Southeast
14 Instituto Cidade Democrática Participatory Plans of Educator Neighborhoods in the Municipality of Sorocaba São Paulo SP Southeast
15 Instituto de Fiscalização e Controle Civic Health Audit Brasília DF Center West
16 AMINA – Associação de Mulheres Independentes na Ativa Women of the Pantanal and their Home-Made Candy Anastácio MS Center West
17 Associação Barraca da Amizade Solidary Friendship Fortaleza CE Northeast
18 Coopa-Roca – Cooperativa de Trabalho Artesanal e de Costura da Rocinha Strengthening of the Coopa-Roca Social Enterprise Strategy Rio de Janeiro RJ Southeast
19 ONG SOS Dental Dentists in the Slum Rio de Janeiro RJ Southeast
20 Acreditar – Capital Humano e Transformação Social The Entrepreneurial Vision: Qualifying Businesses, Transforming People Glória de Goitá PE Northeast



About BVSA
 – BVSA’s sponsor is popular Brazilian singer Daniela Mercury.  BVSA is a pioneering initiative from BM&FBOVESPA and its member brokerage firms. It is fully supported by UNESCO, and is recognized by the United Nations Organization as a case study.  BVSA has inspired other international stock exchanges to develop similar projects. Ever since it was created in 2003, BVSA has raised more than R$13.9 million, allocated to 121 projects all over Brazil.