BM&FBOVESPA Presents the 20 Projects That Will Be Listed at the BVSA in 2017

22/03/2017 • Publicado em Institutional News

BM&FBOVESPA Presents the 20 Projects That Will Be Listed at the BVSA in 2017

In 2016, Funding For Social Organizations Totaled R$ 1.5 million

BM&FBOVESPA BrazilFoundation

Edemir Pinto, CEO of BM&FBOVESPA; Patricia Lobaccaro, President and CEO of BrazilFoundation; Manoel Felix Cintra Neto, Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banco Indusval; Mônica Roure, Vice President of BrazilFoundation; representatives of NGOs participating in the symbolic ringing of the opening bell

The BM&FBOVESPA Institute and BrazilFoundation announced today at a ceremony held at BM&FBOVESPA the 20 projects that will make up the portfolio of the Socio-Environmental Investment Exchange (BVSA) in 2017 (

The selected projects are distributed across all of the regions of Brazil, with a wide diversity of themes and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), reaffirming BM&FBOVESPA’s commitment with the UN. Each year, 20 projects are selected by a committee composed of the Associate Director of the BM&FBOVESPA Institute, a Chief Officer of BM&FBOVESPA and a representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and listed for one year.

The CEO of BM&FBOVESPA, Edemir Pinto, participated in the ceremony and highlighted the importance of building a culture of philanthropy and social transformation in Brazil, which is provided by BVSA’s partnership with BrazilFoundation. “This event marks the union between capital markets and social development,” he said.

Patricia Lobaccaro, President and CEO of BrazilFoundation, spoke of her satisfaction with the partnership with BVSA and said she shares “courage with the 20 new listed organizations , especially the boldness to believe and make Brazil a better and fairer country.”

Last year, through the partnership between BVSA and BrazilFoundation, the 20 listed projects raised R$ 1.5 million. At the BVSA Platform, funding was 100% of the target for 13 projects and 50% for seven projects. Even the projects with lower collection rates will receive resources to develop their initial proposals, with some adjustments.

See below the 20 projects listed in 2017:
1. Bem Morar – Associação Ateliê de Ideias
2. Caravana da Cidadania – Ação Cearense de Combate a Corrupção e IMPUNIDADE (ACECCI)
3. Casa Geração – Moda Fusion
4. Convexolab – Associação Cultural Vila Flores (ACVF)
5. Criação de Galinhas Caipiras Sustentável – Associação Escola Família Agroecológica do Macacoari (AEFAM)
6. Cuidando de Quem Cuida – Casa da Árvore
7. Florestas para Água – Associação Amigos de Iracambi
8. Galpão Aplauso: Formação Profissional de Jovens de Baixa Renda para o Mercado Industrial – Instituto Stimulu Brasil
9. Iluminando Amazonas – Litro de Luz Brasil
10. Mangueira Beleza – Instituto Profissionalizante Mangueira
11. Palmaslab: Inovação e Pesquisa na Periferia Urbana – Instituto Banco Palmas (Instituto Banco da Periferia)
12. Programa Operando na Amazônia – Associação Expedicionários da Saúde (EDS)
13. Projeto Douradinho – Instituto Pelo Bem do Planeta
14. Promoção da Saúde das Mulheres – Rede Postinho de Saúde   
15. Recicla Jeans – Florescer (Associação Nadia R. Bacchi)
16. Sementinha: A Escola Debaixo do Pé de Manga – Centro Popular de Cultura e Desenvolvimento (CPCD)
17. Solidariedade na Marmita – Associação Vida em Ação
18. Spectaculu em 5 minutos – Escola Fábrica de Espetáculos
19. Tupana – Lendas, Madeira, Palha e Memória – Casa do Rio
20. Viver no Quilombo – Associação dos Pequenos Produtores Rurais São José do Baixio

How to Invest
In order to become a “socio-environmental investor”, simply register at, choose the projects to which you want to contribute – according to theme, beneficiary public or region – and build your portfolio of donations. Values ​​can be donated from as little as R$ 20.00, via credit card or bank slip. Companies have a tax break: donations are deductible, as an operating expense, up to the limit of 2% of the company’s operating profit. Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that wish to register their projects have two paths: they must be registered to the VHL website or participate in the BrazilFoundation invitation to bid.

About BVSA
A pioneering initiative created by BM&FBOVESPA in 2003 with the support of brokers, this is a fundraising platform with a format similar to a stock exchange. It is a virtual environment for donations that is safe, practical and transparent and which aims to encourage a donations culture in Brazil, connecting two ends: the Brazilian organizations that need support for their environmental projects on the one hand and social investors on the other. The BVSA, featuring Daniela Mercury as godmother, has the support of UNESCO and has been recognized by the United Nations Global Compact (UN) as a case study and model to be followed by other markets.