BrazilFoundation Announces Investment in Project Partnerships

13/06/2017 • Publicado em

BrazilFoundation Announces Investment in Project Partnerships


At the end of 2015, BrazilFoundation launched a new form of support for projects through investment in partnerships and knowledge exchange called Arranjos Colaborativos (Collaborative Arrangements). The initiative is unprecedented in the Brazilian social sector and aims to promote peer-learning that encourages the sharing of knowledge, skills and methodologies.

Civil society organizations have an enormous wealth of knowledge through their strategic relationships with stakeholders and through their experience with social technologies. Sharing this knowledge is vital to improving learning cycles in the sector and to creating systemic change.

In 2016 BrazilFoundation provided support for 18 partnerships, the results from which are still under analysis. The evaluations received until now prove that the experiences shared by the participating organizations has been extremely rich and useful.

We are pleased to announce that 10 partnerships will be supported in 2017. BrazilFoundation received 19 proposals from organizations across 10 states. Priority was given to organizations that had not participated in 2016.

Selected Partnerships for 2017:

1 Expedicionários da Saúde (AM) + Renovatio (SP)
Nova visão aos povos da floresta: Providing Eye exams and implementing a small eyeglass factory for EDS’ expeditions, reaching the indigenous populations living in geographically-isolated parts of the Brazilian Amazon.

2 AHIMSA (SP) + Abraço Microcefalia (BA)
Apoiando Famílias para Desenvolvimento de Crianças com Zika Vírus: Training mothers of children with the Zika virus to become knowledge multipliers and teach other mothers methods for improving language and learning development in affected children.

3 Safe Kids (SP) + Fala Roça (RJ)
Rocinha e Infância Segura: Collecting data and performing research to map and prevent accidents involving children in Rocinha. Training professionals who work directly with children and adolescents in the region through the Safe Kids’ accident prevention course.

4 Fa.Vela (MG) + Instituto de Mídia Étnica (BA)
#Acarajé e Pão de Queijo: Developing social technologies by expanding access to entrepreneurial education, cultural exchanges, and utilizing the entrepreneurial networks in the peripheral neighborhoods.

5 Carlotas (SP) + Instituto Mundo Aflora (SP) + Teatro do Sopro (RJ)
As Empatilhaças! Ciclo de Jogos Colaborativos para Existências entre Meninas Jovens e Idosas: Providing inter-generational experiences between elderly women in care facilities and girls in vulnerable situations, promoting knowledge-sharing and self-empowerment through games.

6 Instituto de Permacultura EcoVIDA São Miguel (MG) + CEPFS (PB)
Compartilhando Saberes, Conhecimentos e Tecnologias para Agricultura Familiar Sustentável: Training leaders from both organizations to create a Seed Bank and teaching the team to build a cistern using CEPFS technology.

7 Coopercriapa (PR) + MMNEPA (PA)
APICULTURA um mundo de possibilidades: Sharing knowledge on beekeeping and creating strategies for quality control and certification in honey production among the women in Coopercriapa.

8 Moinho Cultural (MS) + IPEDI (MS)
Construindo Pontes Interculturais na Fronteira Brasil – Bolívia: Using games to improve organizational relationships with the community, and promoting knowledge sharing to improve intercultural relations.

9 Arquitetas Sem Fronteiras (MG) + Mulher em Construção (RS)
Mulheres Construindo Mudanças: Sharing complementary knowledge and skills from the experiences of both organizations working with women in civil construction.

10 Instituto Movimento e Vida (RJ) + Coletivo Papo Reto (RJ)
Developing a communications plan for Instituto Movimento e Vida, including orientation and guidance for its execution. The plan will focus on social media, using metrics to increase engagement and strengthen the institution long-term.