BrazilFoundation Announces Support for Partnerships

02/02/2016 • Publicado em

BrazilFoundation Announces Funding for Partnerships


At the end of 2015 BrazilFoundation launched a new type of funding for innovative partnerships called “Arranjos Colaborativos” (Collaborative Arrangements). The initiative is unprecedented in the Brazilian social sector and aims to promote peer-learning that encourages the sharing of knowledge, skills and methodologies.

Civil society organizations have an enormous wealth of knowledge through their strategic relationships with stakeholders and through their experience with social technologies. Sharing this knowledge is vital to improving learning cycles in the sector and to creating systemic change.

BrazilFoundation invited current and past grantees to submit proposals for collaboration. Twenty-six proposals were received, of which eighteen will be funded in 2016. The collaborative arrangements are opportunities for the 31 organizations across 14 states to scale their work and strengthen their impact.

Collaborative Arrangements to be funded in the first half of 2016:

1 Amigos da Vida (DF) + PROESA (DF)

“Com Direitos Somos Todos Humanos” (With Rights We are all Human Beings):

Fostering a culture of advocacy in Brazil to fight social inequalities by sharing approaches to influence public policies, providing legal training, participating in public hearings, strengthening the HIV/AIDS Committee in congress, and more.


2 Filhos da Corrente (SP) + Instituição Plano B (PE)

“Educação e Cultura para o Fortalecimento da Cidadania” (Education and Culture to Strengthen Civic Engagement):

Reviving northeastern cultural traditions together with capoeira for culture and education, strengthening the successful educational initiatives in Pernambuco such as reading workshops, benefiting 200 students in São Paulo and 120 students in Jaboatão Guararapes.


3 Instituto Luther King (MS) + Voz das Comunidades (RJ)

“Laços de Aprendizagem” (Learning Ties):

Voz das Comunidades will share its strategies on community outreach and media content production. Luther King will share its approaches with students from Comploexo do Alemão on providing access to higher education and preparation for college placement exams (ENEM).


4 Quabales (BA) + Grota (RJ)

“Efeito Musical” (Musical Effect):

The project focuses on the various ways in which music can be used to break boundaries by sharing experiences between both organizations on managing projects in social inclusion, culture, job creation, income generation, and access to higher education. The project will also include improvisation workshops, and techniques on percussion and body movement.


5 Aliança Empreendedora (SP e PR) + SPVS (PR)

“Troca Empreendedora” (Entrepreneurial Exchange):

Aliança Empreendedora will share its own practices and data on entrepreneurship, and SPVS will share its approaches on promoting natural preservation.


6 IBEAC (SP) + Acolhida na Colônia (SC)

“Acolhendo e Letrando na Comunidade” (Welcoming Literacy in the Community):

IBEAC will share its approach to empowering and mobilizing women and mothers, benefiting 100 families.  Acolhida will share its methods on agricultural ecotourism with Parelheiros for its districts under environmental protection. The initiative will also promote income generation.


7 Programa Vivenda (SP)+ Mulher em Construção (RS)

“Mulher em Construção & Programa Vivenda”:

Both organizations work in the same field, and will complement the initiatives of the other. Through Mulher em Construção’s project “Cimento & Batom”, twenty women will learn how to make structural repairs in construction. Vivenda will share its commercial model vai compartilhar o modelo de relacionamento comercial que vem estabelecendo com a indústria da construção.


8 Barraca da Amizade(CE) + Gastromotiva (SP)

“Repasse de Metodologia e Novas formas de atender diferentes públicos” (Knowledge Sharing and Approaches to Assist Different Public):

Gastromotiva will share the approaches from its bread making and confectionary courses, which will provide income generation alternatives for youths escaping situations of sexual exploitation in Fortaleza, CE. Barraca da Amizade will share its approach to teaching self protection as a method to prevent sexual violence, which will be used by Gastromotiva to train adolescents.


9 Casa do Rio (AM) + ADEL (CE)

“Intercambio de Saberes e Aprendizados” (Knowledge and Methodology Exchange):

Knowledge exchange between young rural entrepreneurs from the semi-arid region of Ceará and the women entrepreneurs from a riverside community in the Amazon. This initiative will entail workshops on entrepreneurship with young women from the Santa Izabel community, located on the Tupana River, and the creation of a Fund for Seed Capital for riverside entrepreneurs. Also included is a workshop on female entrepreneurship in the Curu Valley, with training for 40 youths and women.


10 Lua Nova (SP) + Ateliê de Ideias (ES)

“Construir Ideias Novas” (Building New Ideas):

Improving two social technologies developed and used by organizations in housing: making bricks with compost instead of soil, and training for women in the construction field.



“Lendas, Causos e Contos” (Legends and Tales):

Reviving the history of the people of the Pantanal and the indigenous of the Cerrado by improving methods for training teachers at both organizations. ECOA’s approach focuses on education and communication for the riverside people of the Pantanal, while IPEDI’s approach focuses on the traditions and culture of the Terena people. 30 teachers will receive training, benefiting 150 students from the Miranda and Corumbá municipalities.


12 Teatro do Sopro (RJ) + Casa de Santa Ana (RJ)

“Uma Bela Visita na Cidade de Deus” (A Beautiful Visit in the City of God):

Students of Casa de Santa Ana’s course for caretakers together with the future professionals at caretaking agency will learn tools based on Teatro de Sopro’s therapeutic clowning techniques. Conversely, the clowning artists at Teatro de Sopro will learn Casa de Santa Ana’s techniques on training caretakers.


Collaborative projects to be funded in the second half of 2016:

13 Acreditar (PE) + Ateliê de Ideias (ES)

“Compras Coletivas e Educação Financeira” (Buyers Club and Financial Education):

Ateliê de Ideias will provide technical support for the implementation of a collective purchases center for 10 vendors in Glória de Goitá, PE. This will help reduce transportation costs (and ultimately prices) for small entrepreneurs. ACREDITAR will administer a course in financial education and share its microcredit experience with 30 vendors and residents in Território do Bem, Vitória – ES.


14 MMNEPA (PA) + Casa do Rio (AM)

“Cá entre nós ‐ Mulheres Empreendedoras da Amazônia” (Between Us  – Women Entrepreneurs):

Strengthening women’s entrepreneurial collaborations by introducing MMNEPA’s beekeeping and rural development initiatives to the Tupana riverside community.  Casa do Rio will integrate its experience in contemporary fashion esthetics with traditional artisanal crafts in Pará, benefiting 130 women.


15 Vozes da Vila Prudente (SP) + Escola de Notícia (SP)

“Construindo Pontes Transformadoras” (Building Transformative Bridges):

Strengthening educational practices that use communication as a strategy to promote rights, including training youths in media production and civic engagement in two low-income neighborhoods of São Paulo.


16 SOS Dental (RJ) + Casa do Rio (AM)

“Na Boca do Povo – Saúde Oral Para Todos” (Oral Health for All):

Scaling low cost, emergency dental care technology to a riverside community in the Amazon, benefiting 500 people.



“Compartilhando Saberes no Semiárido” (Knowledge Sharing in the Semiarid):

Implementing community funds by using CEPFS experience with sustainable practices and providing access to water together with ADEL’s experience in sustainable farming and small businesses development in rural communities, benefiting 50 farmers and rural youths in Paraíba and Ceará.


18 Vagalume (SP e AM) + IBEAC (SP)

“O poder da Leitura nas Comunidades” (The Power of Reading in the Communities):

Sharing methodologies, challenges and results to collectively develop impact indicators for better evaluating literary coaching in community spaces.