BrazilFoundation Gives Presentation at Conference on Domestic Violence against Women in NY

22/02/2013 • Publicado em Uncategorized

Patricia Lobaccaro, CEO of BrazilFoundation, participated in a conference in New York on the theme of domestic violence against women on January 15th at the Consulate General of Brazil. Patricia discussed how the Foundation supports projects that address gender and women’s rights, and she also informed the attendees about Lei Maria da Penha (Maria da Penha law).

The talk was also attended by Mila Burns from TV Globo and attorney Michelle Viana. In an emotional and remarkable account, Chrystianne Vasconcellos spoke of her own experience as a victim of domestic violence after she moved to New York. The speakers sought to educate Brazilian women, community leaders and the media about domestic violence suffered by Brazilian women who live in New York, and it had the objective of motivating potential victims to find help within their communities and to inform them of the legal recourses available to victims.

Source: Arilda Costa