BrazilFoundation Grantee is Only Brazilian Organization to Win Ashoka International Challenge

16/10/2013 • Publicado em Uncategorized

The Associação Coletivo Popular de Saúde e Cultura de Mandacaru (Association Health and Culture Collective of  Mandacaru), a BrazilFoundation 2013 grantee, located in Paraíba, is 1 of the 8 winners of the Ashoka: Nutrients for All competition. The project Cozinha Verde: Transformando Orgânicos e Gerando Renda (Green Cuisine Project: transforming organic produce and generating income), is an innovative, urban social enterprise that buys organic food from family farms to make and sell nutritious snacks, thereby increasing income for underprivileged women and rural farmers.

The project was the only Brazilian selected out of 300 applicants from around the world. The competition was launched by the Ashoka Social Entrepreneurs with the goal of “…seeking innovative solutions that will guarantee the use of nutrients in a sustainable and environmentally conscious way benefitting the whole farm to table supply chain.” A total of US $45,000 will be awarded to the winners to fund their projects.