BrazilFoundation participates in seminar on the confidence in the institutions of society.

14/03/2013 • Publicado em Uncategorized

On March 7,  BrazilFoundation’s vice president, Susane Worcman, participated in the seminar, “Society’s Confindence in Businesses, Governments, NGOs, and Media Companies,” hosted by Edelman Significa, the parent company of the largest public relations conglomerate in the world. The seminar presented the results of Trust Barometer 2013, an analysis the company developed to measure the confidence people have in government, media, business, and organizations of civil society.



The seminar was moderated by Edelman Significa CEO Yacoff Sarkovas. In addition, several prominent figures were in attendance: the  secretary of economic development, energy, industry, and services of Rio de Janeiro Julio Bueno; vice-president of BG Brasil Henrique Rzezinksi; and academic director of the School of Higher Education in Advertising and Marketing Carlos Messeder. The participants debated the study’s results, which indicate that 59% of interviewees have a positive impression of non-profit organizations.

“NGOs have a high level of efficiency. They are valuable entities that represent the voice of society and they have an important role in the relationship between businesses and governments,” said Susane Worcman.

Highlights of the Study

  • Brazil ranks 12th worlwide in confidence
  • Government is the least credible institution in Brazil and the world. Among the reasons cited by Brazilians for such a low rating are corruption (77%), followed by lack of efficient performance and incompetence (13%).
  • NGOs are the most credible institutions worldwide: in Brazil, they rank third, while the media ranks first.
  • Brazilian businesses account for 41% of global confidence.