BrazilFoundation promoted Workshops for the 2011 Grantees

29/03/2011 • Publicado em Uncategorized

As part of the “BrazilFoundation 10 Years” project, the Foundation selected 20 organizations that were previously granted support by the Foundation, to capture their stories and the strategies they have developed. From March 24th through the 27th, 40 leaders, two representatives from each of the selected institutions, joined the BrazilFoundation team in Itatiaia, Rio de Janeiro, to participate in the workshops and to share their work. The event was an opportunity to exchange experiences and to share knowledge between organizations that strive to transform the social reality in Brazil.

Organization leaders exchange experiences

The “Project BrazilFoundation 10 Years” seeks to evaluate the methodologies developed by the Foundation and to think about the future of the institution and the organizations it supports. In this context, the importance of history and memory is understood and will be used, not only to capture the past, but also as a reference point in determining the future of the Foundation.

Institutional Timeline

Thursday – march, 24
Opening Night

During the opening event, leaders of the 2011 grantee organizations presented their work and stirred the emotions of the audience with their stories and their partnership with BrazilFoundation. During the event each institution received a plaque commemorating their partnership with BrazilFoundation.

Oswaldo Setti and Carla Galvão - Ação Moradia (Action Housing)

Friday – march, 25

Leaders of the 2011 grantee organizations produced a collective timeline that highlighted personal and institutional milestones. After that, they included in the timeline their involvement with BrazilFoundation. The goal was to connect the milestones of the past 10 years, intertwining their story with the history of BrazilFoundation.

Building the institutional timeline

In the afternoon, the group was divided in two, and each representative participated in a workshop: Systematic Methodologies and Rescuing Memory and History. Each manager led his/her organization to the information and materials needed to develop the activities and conduct the proposed project. The Rio e Janeiro based and the New York teams team of BrazilFoundation participated at the event, and also carried out activities related to its history and organization.

Systematization Methodology Workshop

The results of the Project BrazilFoundation 10 Years will be announced in 2012, and results will be published as a book. In addition to publishing a book with historical references and methodologies, the Foundation will organize debates and exhibitions.