BrazilFoundation Recognized as One of the 100 Best Ngos

02/11/2018 • Publicado em Institutional News

BrazilFoundation Recognized as One of the 100 Best NGOs

The award recognizes philanthropic organizations with best practices in management and transparency

For the second year in a row BrazilFoundation has been recognized as one of the 100 Best NGOs in Brazil. The award was created in 2017 by Instituto Doar and Rede Filantropia to reward organizations that stand out for philanthropic work.

There are currently more than 300 thousand non-profit institutions in Brazil and BrazilFoundation is honored to be among those with the best practices in management and transparency, together with organizations in our network including AFESU, CIAM – Centro Israelita de Apoio Multidisciplinar, CREN – Centro de Recup. e Educação Nutricional, Fazendo História, Instituto Desiderata, Instituto Reação, Saúde Criança, Turma do Bem, WimBelemDon. Organizations are evaluated on their administrative, financial, accounting and communication processes with support from CEAPG/FGV and Junior Pública.

This is a collective achievement! We thank all who have walked with us – our partners, supporters, volunteers and grantee organizations – as we work for a better Brazil.

See the list of all 100 organizations here:

Download the press release (in Portuguese) for the Selo Melhores ONGs 2018.

Melhores ONGs Filantropia BrazilFoundation