BrazilFoundation’s Program Manager participates in the Fórum de Apoiadores para a Igualdade Racial – FAER (Forum of Supporters for Racial Equality) meeting in Brasilia

16/05/2011 • Publicado em Uncategorized

Maria Cecilia Oswaldo Cruz, BrazilFoundation’s Program Manager, attended the meeting held in Brasilia on May 5th 2011.   The Forum promotes dialogue, collaboration, and information exchange between institutions that promote policies for racial equality and the empowerment of Afro-Brazilian communities and organizations.   Among the organizations participating in the forum with BrazilFoundation are Avina Foundation, the Ellas Fund, Ford Foundation, Kellogg Foundation, the UN Women’s Fund, and Human Rights of Brazil, among others. The Brazilian Secretariat of Policies for the Promotion of Racial Equality – Seppir was in attendance, and introduced its “Racial Equality is for real” campaign.