Children’s Institute- SOS Rio Campaign Results

25/02/2011 • Publicado em Uncategorized

February 2011

During the recent weeks, we have been following the events of the ecological and social disaster that struck the mountainous region of the state of Rio de Janeiro. We have seen immense number of people being left homeless and losing their lives.

Although the storms have passed, the impact of the tragedy continues deeply installed the lives of the survivors. Throughout the efforts of the civil society, the solidarity actions have become a daily reality. The needs are being met, however, much more can be done.

During this period, our campaign raised more than 500 kg of food, 13.000 bottles of water, 1,800 hygiene products and about 3.000 pieces of clothing. The estimated value for these donations is R$ 38.000,00. Furthermore, via financial donations, we have already raised R$ 298.470,00.

In this way, we have concluded the first emergency phase, gathering a total financial and material amount of R$ 336.470,00.

Using the above mentioned resources, we have managed to acquire and forward to the victims of the affected region: 420 mattresses, 101 refrigerators, 100 stoves, 20 beds, 12 washing machines, 10 wardrobes, diverse building material, not mentioning 1.000 doses of vaccine against hepatitis A, several medications, diapers and food, reaching the total of R$ 152.742,00.

We have earmarked R$ 55.000,00 to the Recicla Vida Institute in order to purchase essential items to be distributed among the people of the local community. Those included an estimate number of *22 tons of food, clothes, bed sheets and bathrobes, hygiene products and 600 cleaning kits, the latter containing a total of 9.000 items. In addition, refrigerators and stoves were donated.

The Cruzada do Menor Project has received R$15.000,00 for the purchase of miscellaneous items for the homeless of the region of São Jose do Rio Preto.

In February, we strengthened our actions, unifying with Minha Ajuda – Sua Casa Project and giving a firm structure to the process of building and renovating the houses damaged in affected towns. R$75.728,00 out of the total amount of financial donations is being earmarked to a new Project.

The success of our campaign results from the solidarity of all individuals and companies that have cooperated. Without this business and population task-force, this action would not have been possible.

The Children’s Institute is grateful to all friends of RJ, SP, SC and U.S. cooperating in favor of this important cause!