BrazilFoundation Recognized by Charity Navigator for COVID-19 Campaign

28/04/2020 • Publicado em Institutional News

BrazilFoundation Recognized by Charity Navigator for COVID-19 Campaign

We are proud to announce that BrazilFoundation is listed on Charity Navigator’s “Hot Topic” page for our “BrazilFoundation in Action – Together Against COVID-19” campaign. There, BrazilFoundation is listed as one of the top six charities in the “Funding Local Organizations” category for its COVID-19 pandemic relief efforts.

Charity Navigator, “the nation’s largest and most-utilized evaluator of charities”, put together a list of highly-rated organizations from around the world that have created funds to combat the effects of the pandemic. We are happy for this recognition and for the support of so many donors and partners, whose generosity has allowed us to raise more than US$ 1.4 million (R$6.2 million) to combat the effects of the pandemic in vulnerable communities in Brazil.⁠⠀

BrazilFoundation has a 4-star rating on Charity Navigator. Access our charity’s page on the Charity Navigator site here. Read about the Funding Local Organizations category here.