Donate, Impact, Transform.
Our commitment is to improve the lives of thousands of people in Brazil. To achieve this, we support social initiatives throughout Brazil dedicated to this purpose.
Your monthly donation is a commitment to Brazil. By donating monthly to the BrazilFoundation cause, you contribute to our mission of promoting equity, socio-environmental justice, and opportunities in the country.
Support Transformation
Why do we need your help?
Millions of people in Brazil live at the intersection of the most challenging global issues we currently face: income inequality, systemic racial discrimination, gender-based violence, environmental degradation, lack of access to basic services and the educational system.
Throughout Brazil, thousands of innovative social initiatives deliver solutions and need resources to continue their work that transforms many lives.
Your monthly commitment to BrazilFoundation ensures that our support reaches these initiatives and helps promote social, racial, and environmental justice, economic opportunities, and educational equity.
How will your donations help?
Your monthly donations help BrazilFoundation guide, foster, and finance hundreds of transformative initiatives that support communities throughout Brazil.
Make your donation and sow transformation!
Strategic Social Investment
Connect . Collaborate . Finance . Empower . Report
BrazilFoundation supports social organizations that present creative, low-cost solutions with high social impact and the potential to be replicated in larger-scale programs. In addition to financial investment, we continuously guide organizations during the support cycle, offer training, and contribute to strengthening their actions within and beyond their territories of operation.