ECOA Holds 1st Training for Teachers in Corumbá

31/07/2015 • Publicado em Grantees

Last week the project “Escolas das Águas”, through the organization ECOA – Ecologia e Ação, held its first training for teachers. The project aims to promote cultural and environmental education in Corumbá, MS, by providing continuing education for 25 teachers in 10 school units in the region. The project will benefit 300 students.

The first training focused on theory and practice, cultural appreciation, diversity, and environmental education, and will be used by teachers in the classroom to disseminate local cultural knowledge. The next trainings, to take place in September, will evaluate upon the methodologies taught and the development of the project.  An instructive book for teachers on local knowledge plans to eventually be produced.

“The themes they discussed were full of specifics that we teachers experience on a daily basis. The discussions allowed us to reflect upon teaching strategies with respect to the local context.” -Professor Eufrázio Lídio da Silvia Filho da Escola Polo São Lourenço – Santa Mônica Extension – a participant of over 9 years in the project

