BrazilFoundation Announces the Organizations Selected through the 2020 Call for Proposals
We are proud to announce the results of our 2020 Call for Proposals. This year we have selected 20 initiatives from 13 Brazilian states to receive support. During this time when the COVID-19 pandemic sheds light on questions surrounding Brazil’s various structural inequalities, this support will prove to be even more vital for these organizations and for the primordial fabric of civil society. Having mobilized to meet emergency needs during the pandemic crisis, these initiatives will need tools and resources to support their operations, meet increased social demand, and reach more people.
We received a record of 1677 proposals from this Call for Proposals. A great number of these proposals – 43% – are in the Education and Culture category. We also received 170 proposals in the Environment category, a new thematic line of support. A total of R$ 1.45 million will be directly invested in the selected organizations. These initiatives will also receive technical support, monitoring and mentoring in addition to the financial investment.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, it was necessary to adjust the selection process and timeline. Two panels composed of various BrazilFoundation team and board members, our founder Leona Forma, and several field experts were organized to carry out the selection process.
“At a time when we are all being challenged to reflect on large-scale social justice solutions, we recognize that there is still much to be done, and will remain dedicated to our mission of strengthening the much needed work of serious organizations that are committed to social change”, says Rebecca Tavares, President and CEO of BrazilFoundation.
Among the selected projects include the following initiatives: digital entrepreneurship for young women from peripheral and traditional communities in Teresina; training for socio-environmental educators to work in indigenous and quilombola communities and settlements in Rio Branco; access to education and citizenship for liberty-deprived women in São Paulo; income generation for Caatinga women farmers and artisans, black women, and quilombola women in Recife; and cultural adjustment services for Venezuelan refugee families in Boa Vista, RO.
The resources for this investment were raised at the BrazilFoundation Galas in Minas Gerais, New York and São Paulo.
Below is the list of projects to receive funding through the 2020 Call for Proposals::
Programmatic Area:
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Education & Culture |
1. Associação Efigênia Vidigal de Educação e Cultura – AVEC
Programa de Educação Tecnológica – Garotas Applicadas
Belo Horizonte, MG
2. Casa Pequeno Davi
Adolescentes e Jovens construindo Cidadania com Arte e Cultura de Paz
João Pessoa, PB
3. Instituto Comradio Brasil
Empreendedorismo Digital Feminino
Teresina, PI
4. Instituto de Pesquisa, Educação e Cooperação Internacional – Instituto Baobá
Capacitação de Educadores Socioambientais Huni Kuin
Rio Branco, AC
5. Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré
Curso Preparatório para Ingresso no 6º ano do Ensino Fundamental
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
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Socioeconomic Development |
6. BlackRocks Startups
São Paulo, SP
7. Casa da Mulher do Nordeste
Mulheres na Caatinga – Beneficiando Alimentos e Gerando Renda
Recife, PE
8. Grupo Cultural AfroReggae
Agência de Empregos Segunda Chance
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
9. Instituto Mãe Terra
Empreender para o Bem Viver
Porto Seguro, BA
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Environment |
10. Aliança em prol da APA da Pedra Branca
Plantando o Amanhã
Caldas, MG
11. Cooperativa de Produção Agroecológica do Xingu – COOPAX
PAS – Projeto Amazônia Sustentável 2.0
Ariquemes, RO
12. Instituto das Águas da Serra da Bodoquena – IASB
Projeto Semeando Água: Boas práticas para a Conservação dos Recursos Hídricos de Bonito
Bonito, MS
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Health |
13. Associação Brasileira de Profissionais de Epidemiologia de Campo – PROEPI
Curso Ead – Sala de Situação e Gestão de Emergências de Saúde Pública
Brasília, DF
14. Instituto da Mama do RS: IMAMA
S.O.S IMAMA – Rede de Apoio para Diagnóstico Ágil do Câncer de Mama
Porto Alegre, RS
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Human Rights & Civic Engagement |
15. Centro da Mulher Imigrante e Refugiada – CEMIR
Mulheres Imigrantes – Voz e Protagonismo para Construir Dignidade e Alcançar Direitos
São Paulo, SP
16. La Frida Bike
Preta, vem de Bike!
Salvador, BA
17. Geledés Instituto da Mulher Negra
Meninas, Interseccionalidades e os Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável-ODS
São Paulo, SP
18. Grupo Brasileiro de Promoção da Cidadania
Com Educação vamos vencer o Machismo, o Sexismo e o Feminicídio
Picos, PI
19. Instituto de Defesa do Direito de Defesa – Márcio Thomaz Bastos
Educação e Cidadania no Cárcere – Edição Mulheres
São Paulo, SP
20. Refúgio 343
Escola Refúgio 343 – Adaptação Cultural para Famílias de Refugiados Venezuelanos
Boa Vista, RR