ESPOCC Launches Website to Connect Youth from Low-Income Neighborhoods

25/06/2015 • Publicado em Grantees

The site “OnLaje” was launched this week, aiming to connect youth from the favelas and low-income neighborhoods across Brazil. A capstone project created by the students at ESPOCC, the site is designed to”give voice to the low-income areas of Rio de Janeiro.” ESPOCC is a project of Observatorio de Favelas, an organization supported by BrazilFoundation since 2014.

Through communication courses in audiovisual and digital production, ESPOCC teaches youth to creatively seek solutions to everyday issues. Karla Suarez, a student at ESPOCC, says that OnLaje is more than a place for sharing content. “It’s about giving a voice, time and visibility;  promoting wisdom and local activism; encouraging coexistence, hope, a sense of community. The desire for change is the beating heart that drove us to create OnLaje” – she says.

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