IV Gala São Paulo

The Event
The Event
BrazilFoundation is a non-profit created in New York in 2000 that mobilizes resources for ideas and actions that transform Brazil. In 17 years, the Foundation has raised over US$40 million and supported over 500 social projects in 26 states in Brazil. The gala will help support projects in the areas of Education and Culture, Health, Socioeconomic Development, Human Rights and Civic Engagement, and Social Enterprise.
The IV BrazilFoundation Gala São Paulo will be held on November 29, 2017 and it promises to be a memorable evening, gathering 300 people from the business, media, academic, diplomatic and artistic communities of Brazil and around the world to celebrate BrazilFoundation’s efforts for a more just and equitable Brazil.
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Casa Fasano
R. Leopoldo Couto Magalhães Júnior, 912
Itaim Bibi, São Paulo - SP
Masters of Ceremony
Sophie Charlotte & Flavio Canto
Auction Hosts
Ingrid Guimarães & Bruno Astuto
Preta Gil, DJ Marina Diniz
Claudio Haddad, Founder and President of the Board, INSPER
Claudio is founder of Insper and president of its Board. He is also a member of the board for Ideal Invest S.A, Instituto Unibanco, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein and Ensina Brasil. Claudio is president of the board of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies Brazil Harvard Office, and member of the board at University of Chicago’s Becker-Friedman Institute. He has a PhD. in Economics from the University of Chicago, an MBA from the University of Chicago, and participated in Harvard Business School’s Owner/President Management program.
INSPER is a not-for-profit teaching and research institution that works promotes Brazil’s development by training innovative professionals to be leaders in their respective fields. In 2004 it created a Scholarship Program to provide opportunities to talented young people without financial means. The project is high impact by transforming the lives of young people, contributing to a more equal society, and promoting Brazil’s development.
Eduardo Lyra, Founder, Instituto Gerando Falcões
Eduardo Lyra, 30, grew up in a shack in a favela in Guarulhos, SP. His dad was in prison after becoming involved with crime. His mother, however, helped to change Eduardo’s path by inspiring him to dream, saying: “Son, it doesn’t matter where you come from, but where you’re going”. Eduardo eventually became a journalist, author of the book Jovens Falcões, screenplay writer for the film Na Quebrada, and founder of Instituto Gerando Falcões, an organization that has impacted 1,200 in the community through 20 projects that focus on education through sports, culture and professional training. For these accomplishments Eduardo was chosen by the World Economic Forum as one of 15 young Brazilians who can change the world, a recognition affiliated with Global Shapers. He was also listed by Forbes as one of the 30 most influential young people in Brazil under 30. In 2014 he received the Jovem Empreendedor award by LIDE, was elected a “10” Paulistano by Veja magazine, and named a “Rebel with a Cause” by the fashion label Reserva. Eduardo’s father left crime 20 years ago and now focuses on taking care of his family.
Host Committee
Andrea Bartelle, Carol Maluf, Carolina Steinbruch, Fernanda Vidigal, Maythe Birman, Renata de Paula, Renata Queiroz de Moraes
Alyson & Will Landers, Andre Laport, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Bradesco BBI, Goldman Sachs, Jones Day, Shopping Cidade Jardim
Andrea Bartelle, BTG Pactual, Camila e Eduardo Mendez, Edemir Pinto, Felipe Diniz, Fernanda Vidigal, Maythe Birman, Renata Queiroz de Moraes, Singular Partners
Official Airline
LATAM Airlines Brasil
Adorni Films, Ayrosa Design, Cem Por Cento Eventos, Da Casa, Diageo, Hotel Fasano, Magnum Club - Clube de Vinhos by Philippe de Nicolay-Rothschild, MB Pro Audio
Tickets and Tables
Tickets and Tables
Benefactor Table – US$ 15,000
(available for companies and individuals)
• Table for 10 people at the Gala Dinner;
• ½ page Ad in the evening’s printed program;
• Benefactor listing in the Gala invitation and in the evening’s printed program.
Patron Table – US$ 10,000
(only available for individuals)
• Table for 10 people at the Gala Dinner;
• Patron listing in the Gala invitation and in the evening’s printed program.
Individual Benefactor Ticket – US$ 1,500
Individual Patron Ticket – US$ 1,000
Further Information
Further Information
Email: events@brazilfoundation.org
Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery
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