Luz Alliance Fund Miami Gala

Gisele Bündchen & BrazilFoundation
Luz Alliance Fund Miami Gala
Luz Alliance Fund
Luz Alliance Fund
The Luz Alliance Fund, an initiative of Gisele Bündchen, was created in 2020 in partnership with BrazilFoundation to provide humanitarian pandemic relief to families in Brazil. As of 2021, the fund also supports environmental conservation and rehabilitation projects. Click here to learn more about the Fund.
The Event
The Event
In line with the UN Decade of Ecosystem Restoration goals, the Luz Alliance Fund’s
focus is to support civil society organizations working to preserve and rehabilitate ecosystems for the good of both people and nature.
The dinner will mobilize resources to support organizations in each of Brazil’s biomes: Amazônia, Caatinga, Cerrado, Mata Atlântica, Pampa and Pantanal, as well as the Coastal Marine regions. The organizations aim to support biodiversity conservation and to protect natural ecosystems, species and water sources, promoting more sustainable livelihoods.
May 20th, 2023 | 6PM
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden
10901 Old Cutler Rd, Coral Gables, FL 33156, USA
Ivete Sangalo
Cocktail Attire
Ingrid Silva
Ivete Sangalo
Marina Diniz
Special Guests
Robin Roberts, Journalist | Anchor Good Morning America
Tasso Azevedo, Social Entrepreneur in Sustainability | Founder MapBiomas
Cerrado Sponsor
Denise Magalhães
Institutional Supporters
Index, Adorni
Claudia Amboss, Iracilda Lichtinger, Jo Paes, Paula Bezerra de Mello, Ricardo & Daniela Puggina, Rejane de Paula
Special Thanks
Amber Clapp, B4 Company Team, Cynthia Sangalo, Denise Grant, Fairchild Tropical, Botanic Garden Team, IESSI Team, Patrícia Bündchen, Le Basque Team, Maria Carolina Tavares de Melo, Marina Valle, Rafael Sampaio, Rafaela Bündchen, Raquel Bündchen, Valdir Bündchen, Verde Que Te Quero Verde Team, Zé Macedo
Access the Silent Auction here.
Live Auction Donors
Camarote Salvador, Fera Palace Hotel, Gisele Bündchen, Ivete Sangalo, Marinemax Yatchs, Sebastião Salgado, Vik Muniz
Silent Auction Donors
Ambev, Barracuda Hotel & Vilas, Caiman, Mirante do Gavião Amazon Lodge, Nannai, Press Pod, Pousada Trijunção, Tenondé, Vila Kalango e Rancho do Peixe
Tables and Tickets
Tables and Tickets
Diamond Table – US$ 35,000
• One (1) table for 10 (ten) guests at dinner in front of the stage;
• One (1) page for announcement in the event printed program;
• Name listed as diamond donor on invitation, printed program, and event screen;
• Mention in the script of the ceremony.
Platinum Table – US$ 25,000
• One (1) table for 10 (ten) guests at dinner close to the stage.
• Name listed as Platinum Donor on invitation, printed program, and event screen;
• Mention in the script of the ceremony.
Gold Table – US$ 15,000
• One (1) table for 10 (ten) guests at dinner on the sides of the ballroom.
• Name listed as Gold Donor on invitation, printed program, and event screen;
• Mention in the script of the ceremony.
Diamond Individual Ticket – US$ 3,500
• One (1) dinner seat at a table in front of the stage.
Platinum Individual Ticket – US$ 2,500
• One (1) dinner seat at a table close to the stage.
Gold Individual Ticket – US$ 1,500
• One (1) dinner seat at a table on the sides of the ballroom.
Tickets sold out!
For sponsorships and other forms of payment, contact Junior Amaro:
Telephone: EUA +1 (212) 244-3663 | Brasil +55 (21) 2532-2998 ou +55 (21) 2532-3029