XVII Gala New York

The Event
The Event
Save the date! The XVII BrazilFoundation Gala New York will be held on September 12th, 2019, once again at the Plaza Hotel. The gala will gather 400 people from the business, media, academic, diplomatic and artistic communities of Brazil and around the world to celebrate philanthropy and raise resources for social initiatives in Brazil.
BrazilFoundation is a non-profit created in New York in 2000 that mobilizes resources for ideas and actions that transform Brazil. In 18 years, the Foundation has raised over US$50 million and supported over 600 social projects in 26 states in Brazil. The gala will help support projects in the areas of Education and Culture, Health, Socioeconomic Development, Human Rights and Civic Engagement, and Social Enterprise.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The Plaza
Fifth Avenue at Central Park South
New York, NY 10019
Masters of Ceremonies
Jair Oliveira & Tania Khalill
Special Guests
Ballet Paraisópolis
Roda de Samba with Jair Oliveira, DJ Marina Diniz
Juliana & Roberto Sallouti
During their 25 years of marriage, Juliana and Roberto have shared a passion to contribute to a better Brazil for the benefit of the generations to come, including their 3 children. The couple donates to the educational institutions that they attended and, through Instituto V5 (which they founded), they support social projects in the areas of education, sports, arts, environment and citizenship.
Roberto graduated from the Graded School and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He serves as the CEO of Banco BTG Pactual, and is also on the boards of BTG Pactual, Banco Pan, Mercado Livre and Febraban. He was a member of the board of directors of Graded School for eight years, including five years as president, and is currently on the advisory boards of Parceiros da Educação, BRASA, and Wharton for Latin America. As part of his commitment to helping to educate future generations, Roberto created endowments to enable underprivileged Brazilians to attend Wharton and the Graded School.
Instituto V5 supports projects to train public school teachers and administrators, invest in school infrastructure, and provide sports activities and academic coaching for youth in Ibiúna, São Paulo. Instituto V5 also regularly donates to Parceiros da Educação, Instituto Apoia, Alladin, Dentistas do Bem, RenovaBR, MASP and Centro Nacional de Conservação da Flora.
Ballet Paraisópolis
Ballet Paraisópolis is located in the Paraisópolis favela, the second largest favela in São Paulo, home to 60,000 residents. The Ballet was founded in 2012, and attends 200 students yearly. Their eight-year long program is free to the students, and uses dance as a tool for social transformation to develop each student’s cognitive skills. The program prepares the students for the challenges in the workforce, providing the students possibilities for new life opportunities, regardless if they pursue a career in ballet. Ballet Paraisópolis is a 2019 BrazilFoundation grantee.
Iracilda Lichtinger
Iracilda has been a BrazilFoundation supporter since 2004. She and her family have been prominent supporters of many of the Foundation’s past galas in the United States and Brazil, and helped to ensure the success of several of their other fundraising events and campaigns. She has always been passionate about helping others, and supports several additional philanthropic causes, including Boys and Girls Club of America, United Way of Westchester, the Resource Foundation, and Don Bosco. Her husband, Pedro, serves on BrazilFoundation’s Board of Directors.
Host Committee
Alessandra Emanuel, Angela Magarian, Flavia Barker, Ilana Lipsztein, Karin Dauch, Leda Nussbaum, Marcia Tucker, Mauricio Morato, Michelle Viana, Paula Reidbord
Institutional Support
Alyson & Will Landers, Bloomberg Philanthropies, ChemioCare, Pedro & Iracilda Lichtinger
Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Dalia & Joseph Cohen, General Atlantic Foundation, Goldman Sachs, InBev/Stella Artois, JP Morgan, McKinsey & Company, Roberta Mazzariol & Jean-Marc Bouchut, Safra National Bank of New York, SilverPeak, Simoni & Mauricio Morato, UBS Brasil, Van Cleef & Arpels, Walter Cain & Paulo Ribeiro
Brigadeiro Bakery, Green of Greenwich, Layana Aguilar, Marcia Tucker Interiors, Sciacco Studio, Sweet Garden Creations, The Belvedere Hotel New York
Auction Donors
Ana Paula Galvani, Claudio Edinger & Victoria Zuffo, Epiphanie Joias, Galeria Nara Roesler & Vik Muniz, HStern, Jack Vartanian, Tourneau
Tickets and tables
Tickets and tables
*Prices in R$ are fixed, prices in US$ are based on an exchange rate average of 4.00 BRL/1 USD, and are subject to change.
Payments must be made in currency of country in which purchased.
Presenting Sponsor – US$ 100,000
• “Your Brand” presents the XVII BrazilFoundation Gala New York;
• Two (2) Premier Location Tables for 10 guests each;
• Prominent logo displayed on Gala invitation, website, newsletter, evening’s printed program, red carpet, annual report, ads, and projected on the screen behind the stage;
• Gift bag opportunity;
• Verbal acknowledgement during the event;
• Exclusivity in the business segment;
• “Your Brand” mentioned in all official press releases;
• Your logo featured on the BrazilFoundation website as grant making partner for one year;
• Visibility on BrazilFoundation’s social media channels.
Gala Sponsor – US$ 50,000
• Premier Table for 10 guests at the Gala Dinner;
• Logo on Gala invitation, website, evening’s printed program and red carpet, and projected on the screen behind the stage;
• Gift bag opportunity;
• Verbal acknowledgement during the event;
• Exclusivity in the business segment;
• “Your Brand” mentioned in official press releases.
• Visibility on BrazilFoundation’s social media channels.
Benefactor Table – US$ 25,000
• Table for 10 people at the Gala Dinner;
• Benefactor listing in the Gala invitation, printed program and on website.
Patron Table – US$ 15,000
• Table for 10 people at the Gala Dinner;
• Patron listing in the Gala invitation, printed program and on website.
Individual Benefactor Ticket – US$ 2,500
Individual Patron Ticket – US$ 1,500
Further Information
Further Information
Email: events@brazilfoundation.org
Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery
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