Fundo Carioca brings together Cariocas for an exchange of ideas

20/03/2013 • Publicado em Uncategorized

With different experiences of the city and a common interest in the future of youths who seek accreditation opportunities and work, eight cariocas met Tuesday afternoon to exchange ideas about the Carioca Fund’s performance and the possibility of joining forces.


The conversation turned on the need to mobilize human and financial resources to meet market demand for professionalization projects. Foremost among the points made was the importance of involving young professionals and businessmen from Rio and uniting people and organizations with distinct experiences and a common objective.

The meeting brought together  lawyer and Brazil Foundation volunteer Cristina Gouvêa Vieira; creator of the blog RioReal, Julia Michaels; social scientist Silvia Ramos; architect and experimental elementary education activist Beatriz Novaes; consultant for the NGO Mana Management Sciences for Health (MSH) and Brazil Foundation Board of Director Karen Lassner; economist and founder of Galpão Aplauso, Ivonette Albuquerque; founder and president of the Brazil Foundation and the Carioca Fund, Leona Forman; and coordinator of the Carioca Fund, Eliane Birman.