Giraffas USA Supports Project through BrazilFoundation Early Childhood Fund

18/10/2014 • Publicado em GranteesInstitutional News

BrazilFoundation received its first donation from Giraffas USA this week to support the Creche Escola Futura Geração in Salvador, Bahia through the BrazilFoundation Early Childhood Fund.

The donation is fruit of a partnership created in June, 2014 between BrazilFoundation and Giraffas USA, where $0.25 of every kids’ meal ordered at the restaurant chain will be donated to the BrazilFoundation Early Childhood Fund to support organizations that invest in early childhood education in Brazil. The resources are then designated to one of the many organizations supported by the Fund – the first one being Creche Escola Futura Geração.

The Creche is a nursery school that provides educational and recreational activities to young children from a poor community in Salvador, offering them a safe place to play and learn while keeping them off the streets. The donation will make a big difference to the school which unfortunately works under great budgetary constraints and lacks basic services.

As a thank you to Giraffas USA, the children of Creche Escola Futura Geração made drawings and art on the giraffe theme.

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