III Community Innovation Award

11/07/2018 • Publicado em Uncategorized

III Community Innovation Award

Announcing 53 community projects (OPs) to receive investment

The Community Innovation Award was launched in June to leverage informal social initiatives (“Outras Paradas” in Portuguese). The initiatives were selected by a network of BrazilFoundation partner organizations who would contribute as mentors to strengthen and develop their locales. With its first edition in 2015, the award was created to meet the urgent demands of the social sector, democratize access to resources, encourage local leadership and incubate innovative social technologies.

In May, 2018 BrazilFoundation launched the third edition of the award to support 53 initiatives with R$ 6,500 in seed investment, R$ 5,000 of which will go to the project itself and R$ 1,500 for monitoring and mentoring costs.This year, 21 mentor organizations, all previously supported by BrazilFoundation, are participating in the award. The organizations represent 16 Brazilian states and helped identify and map 190 initiatives in their locales, from which 53 were selected to receive mentoring, resource monitoring, and results evaluation.

This model of “participatory philanthropy” aims to fund initiatives that exist outside the radar of other investors because they are not formalized; democratize resource allocation, test the idea that grantee organizations can be grantors, encourage local leadership development and create an ecosystem that favors the creation of new social technologies.

Funds for the III Community Innovation Award were raised through a partnership with Itaú Social, from the Gala Miami, and from the Bronxville Youth Council.

Further information: comunicacao@brazilfoundation.org
Press: press@brazilfoundation.org

The 53 chosen initiatives:

A Leitura Na Construção do Saber – Corumbá, MS | Suzana Coelho Lima, 56; Maria Eunice de Souza Puccini, 57. (Moinho Cultural Sul-Americano)
Helping students develop critical thinking skills and abilities for them to engage and act as conscious citizens.

Abelhudas da Floresta: Mulheres da Amazônia Incentivando a Meliponicultura – Careiro, AM | Nilcinha de Jesus Amaral, 53; Ozirene Cardoso da Silva, 48. (Casa do Rio)
Supporting beekeeping in the Amazon to promote biodiversity conservation and strengthen the BR 310 women’s network.

Alcance – Parambu, CE | Sidiney Lima Paiva, 36. (ADETT)
Providing therapy, talks, and workshops for schools, families, and students to address and fight the problems of self-harm, bullying, and suicidal ideation

Além dos Muros – Rio de Janeiro, RJ | João Paulo Rodrigues, 30. (Redes da Maré)
A theater that uses various approaches to discuss current challenges in the school community of Maré, fostering a network of artist multipliers.

Apadrinhamento Coletivo e Direito à Convivência Comunitária – Goiânia, GO | Vera Lucia Alves Cardoso, 63. (Circo Laheto)
Helping children and adolescents under state care to find housing and a potential family.

Apicultura e Protagonismo Jovem na Comunidade Melancia – Casa Nova, BA | Thiago da Rocha Santos, 22; Rafaella Rocha de Souza, 23. (Fundação Lar Feliz)
Strengthening a youth organization that does beekeeping and raises goats and hens, encouraging youth to stay in the field while promoting income generation and respect for nature.

Aura da Luta – Belo Horizonte, MG | Luh Dandara, 32. (Fa.Vela)
A network to help women facing domestic violence, and a sewing cooperative that will teach the women entrepreneurship and income generation skills.

Baque do Cerrado – Graduada batuque educacional – Goiânia, GO | Francisco Flávio Borges Almeida, 47. (Circo Laheto)
Teaching youth percussionists the history of percussion pop culture while working with the community to become more involved in the project.

Capoeira Pantaneira – Miranda, MS | Alexandre Lopes Trindade. (IPEDI)
Offering practical and theoretical capoeira classes for kids and teens, seeking their physical and social development.

Centro Comunitário – Passagem, PB | Wenio Ferreira de Oliveira. (CEPFS)
Offering a space that provides educational, sport, leisure and cultural activities to socially vulnerable children, adolescents, and residents.

Cine Favela – Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Luciano Daniel dos Santos, 19; Solange da Conceição, 58. (EDUCAP)
Providing children living in remote areas of Morro do Alemão or vulnerable situations access to cinema, culture and leisure activities.

Cinema para Todos – Tauá, CE | Josiane Rodrigues da silva, 26. (ADETT)
Providing the residents of Tauá access to different genres of cinematic production to stimulate learning, family and community integration and socialization.

Cobra Verde – Teixeira, PB | Otávio Maurício Neto, 47; Roberto Rivelino, 48; Albenor Lima Filho, 47; Joel dos Santos, 35; Maria Karla Eugênia, 21; Carmeleusa Bernardo de Oliveira, 49; Tiago da Silva, 25; Yago da Costa, 21; André Mario Ampére, 28; Laecio Dantas, 39. (CEPFS)
Ecotourism and rural adventure tours, stimulating environmental awareness, income generation and independence for the local community.

Conversas Musicais da Biblioteca Itinerante Feminista – São Paulo, SP | Daniel Santana, 28; Estela Cândido, 25; Verônica Lelis, 30; Waleska Tigre, 26. (IBEAC)
Bringing music therapy and discussions about gender equality to schools to stimulate reflection on social roles.

Costura Criativa e o Bordado Inspirado na Obra Bordada de Nice Firmeza – Fortaleza, CE | Lúcia de Fátima Ferreira de Sousa, 64. (Barraca da Amizade)
Preserving the embroidery art of Nice Firmeza, an artist from Ceará, through local artisans while also promoting the art as a form of income generation and independence for them.

Creche Milagrosa – Pau Brasil, BA | Maria Muniz de Andrade Ribeiro, 70; Nayara Evely Moraes Silva, 21; Greiciane Coelho da Silva, 21; Eliete Maria dos Santos, 40; Ana Paula Santos Souza, 25; Reynylton Muniz, 38. (THYDEWÁ)
Primeira creche na comunidade indígena Pataxó Hãhãhãe, baseada nas tradições e cultura local e utilizando um modelo participativo.

Cuidar de quem Cuida: Empoderando Mulheres – Fortaleza, CE | Márcia Cristine Pereira de Oliveira, 54. (Barraca da Amizade)
Promoting the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of women facing violence through meetings and care practices.

Do meu Quintal para o Mundo – Aprendendo sobre as Abelhas sem Ferrão Capixabas – Vitória, ES | Yvana Gonçalves Belchior, 49; Rogério Caldeira Ribeiro, 46. (Ateliê de Ideias)
Holding group environmental activities and teaching families about stingless bees.

Doce Floresta: Fabriqueta de Doces e Sonhos – Careiro, AM | Ocimei Laborda Ribeiro, 50; Quesia Reis, 40; Delvanira Barros de Aguiar, 52. (Casa do Rio)
Creating an informal production line of sweets and regional fruit jams, strengthening ties and diversifying the income of women farmers.

Dona’S – Vitória, ES | Mazinho Lima, 29; Djulielen Karla Santos Teixeira, 23; Carlos Jayme Gomes de Oliveira, 21; Erick de Paula, 19. (Ateliê de Ideias)
A documentary that aims to contextualize the participation of the women who are in the process of occupying the Engenharia neighborhood.

Educação Ambiental – É minha, é sua, é nossa – Porto Alegre, RS | Liliana Ferreira da Silva, 44. (WimBelemDon)
Promoting environmental education in schools, clinics, and community centers to heighten environmental awareness and improve health.

Educação para Além do Lixo – Goiânia, GO | Ana Karla Rodex, 21; Bruno Henrique Lopes, 30; Fabiano Braga, 23; Matheus Mentone, 22; Rafael Pereira Tokarski, 32; Thais Camilla Damaceno, 23. (Circo Laheto)
Implementing a solid waste management system with educational environment activities in a school in Goiânia.

Emancipação e Protagonismo Feminino: Aprendendo através das Trajetórias – Irituia, Primavera, Salinópolis, Santa Luzia do Pará, PA | Jaquelane Souza, 29; Luzia Camila Silva, 20; Nádia Marília Aleixo, 23 (MMNEPA)
Providing a platform for the experiences of women in MMNEPA, who organize themselves to resist a system of social oppression.

Filhas do Rei – Livramento, PB | Cristiane Pastora da Silva, 40; Maria Rosa Mística, 22; Maria de Lourdes da Silva, 34; Luzia dos Santos Silva, 33. (CEPFS)
Reviving quilombola identity, strengthening the community and improving self esteem by providing training in beauty and aesthetic for quilombola women. The initiative will also promote knowledge sharing between these women.

Futuro em Movimento – Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Lucia Maria Oliveira Leite. (EDUCAP).
A teen-oriented project with dance and handicraft workshops to generate immediate income through recycling (trash becomes luxury).

Grupo de Atenção à Pessoa com Lúpus – Juazeiro, BA | Fabiana da Conceição Bezerra, 33; Marinalva Luiza Pereira da Silva, 45; Cheila Almeida Nakahara, 35. (Fundação Lar Feliz)
Offering a space of support and care for people living with Lupus and their families.

ImaginaC – São Paulo, SP | Nayana Brettas, 34. (Instituto Gerando Falcões)
Giving kids the opportunity to build healthier cities through fun, playful experiences with the city.

Informática para Apicultores – Quiterianópolis, CE | Vandilene, 19; Ana Clara, 15; Ana Paula, 22. (ADETT)
An informative course for beekeepers seeking a growth in sales and income, making new commercial opportunities possible.

Iniciativa Medita(Ação!) – Práticas Meditativas para Crianças e Adolescentes – Porto Alegre, RS | Fernanda Nunes de Oliveira, 28. (WimBelemDon)
Meditation workshops for children and adolescents as a method of prevention psychology and way to boost their self esteem and self care.

Jovens Músicos de Feira Nova – Feira Nova, PE | José Jonatas de Araújo, 24; Manoel José da Silva Júnior, 27; João Alberes Barbosa de Araújo, 15. (Acreditar)
Holding workshops to build musical instruments and promote the inclusion of children and adolescents.

Mandala: Produção Sustentável – Irituia, PA | Francisca Oliveira da Silva Gama, 60. (MMNEPA)
Building a vegetable garden integrated with the raising of free-range chickens in the form of a mandala, contributing to meal security, nutrition and income for families.

Marginal, Coletivo – Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Ellen Marques, 21; Jota Marques, 26. (Instituto Cultural Pólen)
Youth from favelas coming together in public spaces in Rio to raise questions about rights, identity, culture, and politics.

Mulheres Ao Vento – Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Simonne Silva Alves, 28. (Redes da Maré)
Popular dance workshops that integrate dance, storytelling, and set design activities with the women of Maré.

Mulheres de FIBRAS de Ladário – Ladário, MS | Fátima de Souza Ortiz, 36. (Moinho Cultural Sul-Americano)
A crafts course using camalote fibers, a typical plant from the Pantanal, as an employment and income generation opportunity for regional women.

Nutrilhar – Produtora de Rolês (Responsabilidade Social) – Belo Horizonte, MG | Amazonita Ágata de Oliveira Silva, 27. (Fa.Vela)
Rap groups from Belo Horizonte and the surrounding region holding Hip Hop events for youth.

Oficina Sonhar Voando! – Ouro Preto, Mariana, Belo Horizonte, MG | Hugo Ziviani, 24; Ricardo Macêdo, 42; Stefano Azevedo, 29. (Coletivo Mica)
Holding stop-motion and collective script writing workshops to improve the relationships of children with the space and social context in which they live, while fostering positive relationships with technology.

Pelos Olhos de Carol: Sementes – São Paulo, SP | Clarissa Roberta Alves, 19; Dayana de Almeida Moraes, 20. (IBEAC)
Teaching children about the work of Carolina Maria de Jesus, allowing them to become familiar with the author and to reflect on social inequalities.

Pequenos Youtubers. Comunicação Educativa Rádio da Vila Esperança – Goiás, GO | Haroldo Nélio Peres Campelo Filho, 36. (Circo Laheto)
Kids producing YouTube videos, encouraging their protagonism and leadership while teaching them how to use the technology.

Prainha, no Feminino – Mariana, MG | Ana Verena Diniz Duarte, 24; Raquel Augusto Satto Vilela, 23; Bruna Teixeira Caetano, 28. (Coletivo Mica)
Racial, genre and audiovisual training for women to produce a documentary about the history of Prainha, a peripheral community of Mariana.

Programa Escolas Mais Verdes – Horta na Escola – Corumbá, MS | Cláudio Morce, 43. (Moinho Cultural Sul-Americano)
Teaching public schools and children’s institutions techniques for cultivating organic vegetable gardens. This is a potential tool for environmental education and generating income.

Projeto Semearte – Serra, ES | Kézia Alice dos Prazeres, 37; Marttha Almeida Rocha, 46; Joselita Maria de Jesus, 35; Katharine Almeida, 21; Romilda Morozesky, 42; Eva Porfírio dos Santos, 42; Lindaci dos Santos, 56. (Ateliê de Ideias)
Reviving the culture of artisanry, strengthening ties, empowering women heads of households and creating income generation opportunities.

Promoção da Autonomia das Mulheres no Processo Produtivo de Beneficiados e Processamento de Origem Vegetal – Lagoa de Itaenga, PE | Maria José de Freitas, 30; Iracema Severina da Silva, 46. (Acreditar)
Supporting and empowering women to create income generation opportunities and promote family agriculture.

Quem Conta Um Conto – Dias D’ávila, BA | Alberto Damit, 53. (Instituto Cultural Pólen).
Workshops for storytelling in public schools to increase student interest in reading and decrease school evasion.

Repórteres Populares, a partir do Jornal A Sirene – Mariana, MG | Genival Pascoal, 38; Rafael Fonseca, 32; Sérgio Fábio do Carmo, 49; Silmara Candinho, 25. (Coletivo Mica)
Training community reporters from areas affected by the Fundão dam to work on the Sirene newspaper and more.

Sala Inclusiva – Glória do Goitá, PE | Géssica Dayane Silva Albuquerque da Cruz. (Acreditar)
A space adapted for people with deficiencies to receive physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychopedagogy, psychotherapy, phonoaudiology and social work provided by volunteers.

Sementes de Luz – Juazeiro, BA | Wítala Marta Pinheiro Linhares, 40. (Fundação Lar Feliz)
Professional training to promote income generation for low-income and pregnant women, preparing them for maternal care.

Tomas Educação/Educação sem Muros – Belo Horizonte, MG | Priscila Regina Souza Tomas, 27; Rodrigo Francisco Correa de Oliveira, 33. (Fa.Vela)
Photography, music and writing workshops for public school students, with the objective of capturing the experiences of living in the periphery and promoting appreciation for these communities. The project will also teach the students to share this knowledge.

Trama – Miranda, MS | Evanilda Rodrigues, 36. (IPEDI)
Artisanry and indigenous dance workshops to help preserve the terena language and generate income.

Trupe Turma da Alegria – Fortaleza, CE | Ícaro Maciel, 18; Magnólia Lemos, 38. (Barraca da Amizade)
Using the circus arts to prevent children and adolescents from entering criminality in a community marked by violence.

Tupigá na Comunidade – Careiro, AM | Francimara Araujo, 22; Iranildo Colares, 21; Alexandra Padro, 18; Marcos Alexandre, 26. (Casa do Rio)
Fostering leadership in youth from rural communities surrounding BR 319 through socio educational and cultural activities.

Um Pé de Livro – Miranda, MS | Marilza Silva, 38. (IPEDI)
Outdoor reading workshops, storytelling and rhythmic games for children in public spaces.

Vozes LGBTQ+ – Rodas de Conversas – Brasília, DF | Fernando Cunha. (ONG Amigos da Vida)
Empowering people from the LGBTQ+ movement who are living with HIV/AIDS.

Yoga e Meditação no Complexo da Maré – Rio de Janeiro, RJ | Ana Olívia Figueiredo Mesquita, 37. (Redes da Maré)
Promoting a culture of peace and the better health for residents of Complexo da Maré through yoga and meditation.