In Pará, Ten Young Participants of BrazilFoundation Grantee Project Pass the University Entrance Exam

22/02/2013 • Publicado em Uncategorized

In Vigia de Nazaré, a historic city in Pará with a population of approximately 45 thousand inhabitants, 10 young participants of the Projeto Escola de Música Maestro Vale (Maestro Vale Music School Project), of the Instituto Musical do Nordeste Parense Arte Show Vigia (The Musical Institute of Vigia de Nazaré), passed the “vestibular” entrance exam for the Universidade Estadual do Pará. They will now begin work on a bachelor’s degree in music. Created in 1999 and a BrazilFoundation grantee in 2012, this organization currently helps 200 at-risk children and adolescents and offers classes in recorder and vocal training, as well as lessons on wind, string, percussion, and electronic instruments and practice in orchestras.

Three former project participants currently study music at the same university, and, since the Foundation has become involved, 30 former students are still involved in music – as music teachers, members of symphonies and orchestras, and the band of the armed forces. And, all of these achievements have been made possible with very few resources. BrazilFoundation is the institute’s first large-scale supporter, and it is helping to develop the institute’s activities in project management, operations, and public awareness. BrazilFoundation congratulates the new university students and wishes them much success.