International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

21/03/2013 • Publicado em Uncategorized

Racial Discrimination is pervasive in Brazil, and historically the black population has experienced the lowest levels of schooling and limited access to health services. N’zinga, an organization supported by the BrazilFoundation in 2012, is fighting against these inequalities every day in Minas Gerais.

BrazilFoundation funded the project “Quilombolas Confronting HIV/AIDS and Viral Hepatitis,” through which N’Zinga trained  20 quilombola women and 10 adolescents to act in their communities as agents for the prevention of HIV/AIDS and Viral Hepatitis.

The N’zinga began in 1986 to defend black women in the fight against all forms of gender and ethnic discrimination, prejudice, and oppression. Today it continues to tirelessly seek the sociopolitical and economic inclusion of women of African descent and their cognates.
