International Women’s Day – the Initiatives That Are Working to Empower Women and Girls in Brazil

08/03/2018 • Publicado em Grantees

International Women’s Day – the Initiatives That Are Working to Empower Women and Girls in Brazil

Today we celebrate all of the women who are working for equal opportunities. Seven organizations, from the Amazon to São Paulo, will receive investment this year through our 2018 Call for Proposals to help empower women and girls. The impact of these investments will go beyond these women, reaching their families and communities.

Associação Nossa Senhora de Loreto, MA, (video) Strengthening a network of women and youth entrepreneurs to increase incomes

Quebradeiras de Coco, TO, Providing resources and market access to women to expand the production and sale of pressed babassu coconut oil

Gênero Importa, RJ, Supporting women street vendors to strengthen their roles as valuable entrepreneurs in the urban economy

Mama Ekos, AM, Bringing together midwifery knowledge and health professionals to promote healthier pregnancies in the Amazon region

Instituto Social Casa de Mãe, MG, Professional training in sewing and printing for women in Jardim Canadá

Cooperativa “COOSTAFE”, PA, (video) Artisanship providing professional development and income generation for formerly-incarcerated women

Assoc. Pernambucana das Mães Solteira, PE, (video) Providing legal guidance to mothers to facilitate acknowledgement of paternity and child support

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