Banner_Brazilian Soul Fund

Support for Rio Grande do Sul

The Southern Region of Brazil is reeling from catastrophic floods, claiming hundreds of lives and leaving over half a million people in despair. Born and raised in Rio Grande do Sul, Alessandra Ambrosio and Cindy Mello are rallying alongside BrazilFoundation and compassionate souls to form an unbreakable chain of solidarity.   

Support affected families

Every contribution counts

No matter the amount, every contribution fuels emergency relief and sparks the journey to rebuild shattered lives and communities. Together, we can rewrite the story of resilience and compassion. 

A staggering 447 cities have been swept by this merciless force of nature out of 497 municipalities. But amidst the chaos, there is always hope if we stand united. Join the Brazilian Soul Fund and help make a difference. 

The Brazilian Soul Fund will support the initiatives of these three organizations: 

  • Associação Movimento União BR 
  • Rotary Club de Lajeado 
  • Instituto Geração Tricolor, Grêmio Futebol Club 
Foto: Giulian Serafim/PMPA

Rebuilding Together

Stay tuned to Alessandra Ambrosio’s Instagram page for updates on the carefully vetted organizations receiving support by the Brazilian Soul Fund. Let’s stand hand in hand for Brazil and humanity. 

Tax Benefits

USA: Your generous contributions to BrazilFoundation – a 501(c)(3) nonprofit – are tax-deductible to the fullest extent possible. BrazilFoundation (EIN 13-4131482) provides a tax receipt for each donation received.

Brazil: As a Public Interest Civil Society Organization (OSCIP), BrazilFoundation issues receipts for donations made in Brazilian reais upon request under Law 9.790/99, Ministry of Justice file no. 08071.000389/2004/01, Corporate Taxpayer Registration No. 04.839.572/0001-10.