FGV São Paulo Law School (FGV Direito SP) – Fund of BrazilFoundation
Understanding how to strengthen the rule of law in Brazil to curb the rise of autocracy

Map democratic backsliding and resistance to it in contemporary Brazil, covering sites such as Congress, the Supreme Court and the Executive Branch, and themes such as police accountability, freedom of speech, anticorruption law and environmental and economic policies.
– Publish a book on Brazil in Portuguese and English;
– Promote events to compare trends in other countries in the Global South;
– Strengthen and expand an international network of researchers committed to the study of the rule of law and democratic backsliding;
– Participate in international meetings and make podcasts with international experts.
The project seeks additional funding to support qualified researchers, publication costs, specialized software, and events to disseminate its findings. You may contribute any amount to the strengthening of the rule of law in Brazil; the names of all contributors will be listed in the project’s major products and events.
Support FGV São Paulo Law School
About the Project
Promote empirically grounded, interdisciplinary legal research.
Identify democratic decline and successful legal strategies to strengthen the rule of law in Brazil.
The PAL-Brazil project is a collaboration between the FGV São Paulo Law School and the University of Oklahoma Center for Brazil Studies. It is part of the Project on Autocratic Legalism, a Law and Society Association International Research Collaborative which aims to understand how the law may be used to advance, as well as resist, current autocratic projects across different countries.

About FGV Direito SP
Founded in 2002, FGV Direito SP offers excellence and innovation in legal education, and prepares professionals for the complex legal demands of contemporary society. The school is committed to innovation both through teaching, using participatory methods and research, carrying out international, empirical, and interdisciplinary studies. The São Paulo Law School is part of global projects committed to finding responses to the new challenges imposed on traditional legal education by economic, political and technological globalization.
Tax Benefits
USA: Contributions to BrazilFoundation – EIN 13 4131482, a non-profit under Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Tax Code – are deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Individuals can deduct up to 50% of their adjusted gross income; companies may deduct up to 10% of taxable income, prior to discounting the philanthropic investment. BrazilFoundation provides a tax-receipt acknowledgement of the contribution it receives.
Brazil: BrazilFoundation is a non-profit organization, designated as a Public Interest Civil Society Organization (OSCIP, as per its initials in Portuguese) under Law 9.790/99, Ministry of Justice file no. 08071.000389/2004/01, Corporate Taxpayer Registration No. 04.839.572/0001-10. A donation receipt can be issued for donations made in reals. The donor must request their receipt directly from BrazilFoundation. Since we are an OSCIP, tax incentives are only awarded to businesses taxed on their profits. These businesses can deduct the cost of donations up to 2% of their operating profit. An individual donor may report the amount donated when filing income tax, but will not receive a tax incentive.