Refúgio 343 Fund of BrazilFoundation
Refugees and migrants need your help!

Refúgio 343’s mission is to integrate and empower refugees globally, ensuring that everyone’s human rights are respected.
The Fund is designed to support the creation of the Refúgio 343’s new operations center and headquarters in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, providing shelter and professional support for refugees of various nationalities.
Support Refúgio 343 Fund
How we operate
Integrating and empowering refugees and migrants
4.768 refugees and migrants have been assisted
1.601 people were employed
3.522 graduated students
Based on transparency, innovation, purpose and efficiency, we work to transform lives and promote a more just and inclusive society where migrants and refugees can rebuild their stories with dignity and opportunity.
Our beneficiaries are in 255 cities, 20 states + the Federal District of Brazil. 94% of families are independent, 79% of children are in schools.

About Refúgio 343
Refúgio 343 facilitates the socio-economic reintegration of refugees in Brazil by providing childcare, education, university scholarships, employment, relocation, and housing support until financial stability is achieved, ensuring their successful reintegration.
Based in Boa Vista (RR) at the Venezuelan border, the local team assists, and provides education to individuals who are then reintegrated across more than 20 states in Brazil.
Refúgio won Social Entrepreneur of the Year 2023, Best Brazil NGO in 2022, held amongst BEST NGO status over 4 years and the Human Rights and Diversity Seal for three years. In 2024, Refúgio was a finalist for the .ORG Impact Awards.
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Tax Benefits
USA: Contributions to BrazilFoundation – EIN 13 4131482, a non-profit under Section 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Tax Code – are deductible to the full extent permitted by law. Individuals can deduct up to 50% of their adjusted gross income; companies may deduct up to 10% of taxable income, prior to discounting the philanthropic investment. BrazilFoundation provides a tax-receipt acknowledgement of the contribution it receives.
Brazil: BrazilFoundation is a non-profit organization, designated as a Public Interest Civil Society Organization (OSCIP, as per its initials in Portuguese) under Law 9.790/99, Ministry of Justice file no. 08071.000389/2004/01, Corporate Taxpayer Registration No. 04.839.572/0001-10. A donation receipt can be issued for donations made in reals. The donor must request their receipt directly from BrazilFoundation. Since we are an OSCIP, tax incentives are only awarded to businesses taxed on their profits. These businesses can deduct the cost of donations up to 2% of their operating profit. An individual donor may report the amount donated when filing income tax, but will not receive a tax incentive.