Martha Medeiros and Anna Biondo Launch Special Edition Dolls for BrazilFoundation

10/03/2016 • Publicado em EventsInstitutional News

Martha Medeiros and Anna Biondo Launch Special Edition Dolls for BrazilFoundation

Fashion designer Martha Medeiros launched* special edition dolls exclusively for the BrazilFoundation Women for Women campaign at an event yesterday, March 9th, in São Paulo. The dolls, a tribute to the Brazilian woman, were designed together with artist Anna Biondo, and produced by the artisans of “ONG Share” group in São Paulo.

The event was hosted by Fernanda Vidigal, of the BrazilFoundation São Paulo Committee, and Carol Civita, a campaign supporter. The dolls were offered as a thank-you gift to those guests who made pledges.

A total of R$ 31,000 was raised through donations at the event, which will fund ONG Florescer’s project Recicla Jeans, located in São Paulo. The project produces garments and accessories with scraps of recycled jeans, and will offer vocational training to 60 youths.

This campaign is wonderful and necessary! It’s helping to shorten the distances between us, fight prejudices, and contest the indifference between worlds that rarely have the opportunity to meet. It is a collaborative relationship. While some people give financial support to the projects, others can help put them in practice – making the world a better place,” commented Bel Santos Mayer, coordinator at IBEAC. Bel took time to share some of her experiences as leader of the “Sementeiras de Direitos” project in Parelheiros, which works to destroy gender stereotypes and prejudices.

BrazilFoundation created the Women for Women campaign in 2014 to promote philanthropy among women, connecting women from across society to work together for women’s rights and gender equality. The campaign has already mobilized more than 200 people in the United States and Brazil to support 16 projects, benefiting 1,800 women in Brazil.

*”Cumprindo decisão judicial exarada pela 9ª Câmara de Direito Privado do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, decorrente de Acórdão do qual foi Relator o Sr. Desembargador EDSON LUIZ DE QUEIROZ, a estilista MARTHA MEDEIROS informa que o Poder Judiciário reconheceu em favor de FARIDA ROSÂNGELA TRINDADE os “Direitos Autorais” sobre as bonecas utilizadas no projeto “Women For Women”, da ONG Brazil Foundation, realizado em 09 de março de 2016.”

Anna Biondo, Martha Medeiros, Monica de Roure, Fernanda Vidigal, Cristina Brulay

Anna Biondo, Martha Medeiros, Monica de Roure, Fernanda Vidigal, Cristina Brulay

Carol Civita, Bel Santos Mayer, Fernanda Vidigal

Carol Civita, Bel Santos Mayer, Fernanda Vidigal