Meet Claudia Guerra, Founder of SOS Mulher Família de Uberlândia

22/02/2013 • Publicado em Uncategorized

FotoClaudiaGuerramoz-screenshot-10Claudia Guerra founded the NGO SOS Mulher Família (SOS Action for Women and Family) of Uberlândia in 1997. During her childhood, she spent little time with her father – his absence in her life being a mystery to her until she was an adult, when he revealed his reason: he witnessed his own father kill his mother when he was only five years old. This account moved Claudia so much that she resolved to make the fight against domestic violence her life’s mission.

Holding a master’s degree in history, Claudia has employed recent academic theories to develop a plan, which is both progressive and interdisciplinary in nature, for addressing domestic violence in Uberlândia. The NGO utilizes a multidisciplinary approach, assisting victims with social, psychological and legal support at their own homes. This pioneer approach has proven to dramatically decrease recurring cases of domestic violence and is considered a reference in the state of Minas Gerais.

According to Claudia, BrazilFoundation’s partnership with SOS Mulher has been crucial, as it has allowed them to hire more qualified people and provide more victims with long-term assistance.

To find out more about SOS Mulher’s work please click here.