Miami Supporter Visits Movimento de Mulheres de São Gonçalo

03/08/2015 • Publicado em Grantees

Movimento de Mulheres de São Gonçalo received a visit from Claudia D’Orey, a chair of the Women for Women project, a campaign for the BrazilFoundation Women’s Fund which aims to connect women from different sectors of society to promote women’s rights and gender equality. Claudia, who was welcomed by Estelina, one of the founding members of the organization, learned about how the organization has been working for 25 years to promote services and protection for women, as well as their rights.

“I had the opportunity to experience this project which was supported by the Women for Women campaign. It is a wonderful institute that supports women and also focuses on preventing domestic and sexual violence against minors and adolescents. The dedication and love from this team of professionals dedicated to these children and adolescents is fascinating. I invite you all to come here to São Gonçalo to learn about this project that is supported by BrazilFoundation,” says Claudia.

Supported by BrazilFoundation this year, Movimento de Mulheres is working to ensure that 50 teenagers and young girls who are survivors of domestic and sexual violence have access to proper care and services.  The movement is also expanding its initiatives in the areas of violence prevention and early detection.

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