The Carioca Fund, along with LCM Commodities, organized the photo competition “My Photographic Rio: the city in the eyes of the youth from communities where the police have established a presence.” The competition involved 34 young photographers. And at the invitation of LCM, the winners Saulo Nicolai Barbara, Mariana Correa and Diego de Deus traveled to New York to showcase their work and participate in the company’s end of the year celebration. They were accompanied by the project coordinators Charles Siqueira e Mauricio Hora and Cecilia Perligeiro, coordinator of the Carioca Fund.
Fifteen finalist photos were displayed and auctioned during the event, which took place on December 8, 2011, raising over US$ 17,000 for the Carioca Fund; a book produced by LCM showcases photos from all of the 34 contestants. A website showcasing the project is being developed.
The Carioca Fund, a BrazilFoundation initiative, mobilizes resources to train youth between the ages of 14-24 in technical and vocational programs so they can be competitive in the expanding job market in Rio de Janeiro. Working with partner institutions, the Carioca Fund invests in local civil society organizations (CSOs) in Rio de Janeiro that help young people complete their secondary education while preparing them for jobs in the formal economy.
To view the event photos, please , click here.
Photos exhibited in New York