Notícias dos projetos apoiados

09/12/2021 • Publicado em Grantees

Fashion Jobs for Ex-prisoners

Ponto Firme offers crochet and knitting training for ex-prisioners, creating new perspectives and job opportunities outside prison. The collection, “Um Bando,” was presented at São Paulo Fashion Week and was a great success. Ponto Firme launched its school, Escola Ponto Firme, in São Paulo, which will be training hundreds more ex-prisoners for productive employment. Ponto Firme is supported by BrazilFoundation’s area of socioeconomic support and job training of ex-prisoners.


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Uma publicação compartilhada por FFW (@ffw)

Clean and sustainable energy

Ramacrisna launched a photovoltaic plant at the Associação Educativa e Cultural de Igarapé in Minas Gerais, which uses solar energy to produce electricity. With BrazilFoundation’s support, the project offered professional training courses to 217 young locals, and it will contribute to the organization’s financial sustainability.


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Uma publicação compartilhada por Ramacrisna (@ramacrisna)

Professional Qualification and Sustainability

Oela Brasil is the first school in the world to obtain the FSC (Forestry Certification for Social and Environmental Responsibility). It’s sustainable Lutheria protects and develops livelihoods among people of the Amazon. Teaching the art of Lutheria is a way to prepare and qualify young professionals for the job market. With the support of BrazilFoundation, after a long pause due to the pandemic, another cycle of the Lutheria course was completed.


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Uma publicação compartilhada por Oela Brasil (@oelabrasil)

Employment and Income Generation

Responsa helped Andreza Ruiz enter the job market. After twelve years living on the streets of Cracolândia in São Paulo, she works today as a logistics assistant and volunteers in several humanitarian initiatives at Responsa. Responsa is supported by BrazilFoundation’s area of socioeconomic support and job training of ex-prisoners.


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Uma publicação compartilhada por Responsa (@responsapro)