N’zinga participates in the March of Black Women in Brasilia

04/12/2015 • Publicado em Grantees

N’zinga participates in March in Brasilia

A historic date for Brazil! On November 18th more than 50,000 women from around Brazil gathered in Brasilia for the Marcha das Mulheres Negras contra o Racismo, a Violência e pelo Bem Viver (Marcha das Mulheres Negra March of Black Women Against Racism, Violence and for Well Being). Also present were the representatives of Nzinga, a BrazilFoundation partner organization that works to combat gender, racial and ethnic discrimination and oppression.

The organizations and social movements who came participated by taking part in a seven kilometer-long procession.  Representatives from every state in the country were present, fighting for socio racial and gender equality, for political change and for effective participation in public policies.

“Knowing amazing women from other states who have given their lives for the sake of this political transformation.

To be able to share knowledge with other women.

Having men helping and being sensitive to our cause.

We can only be radiant.

There will not be fatigue that will make us move backwards.

There will not be words that will shake our self esteem.

Pride “(Testimony taken from the movement’s website)


See photos of the event here.

Watch a video by The Root here.