Organization offering assistance to victims of domestic violence presents conference paper at international conference

12/12/2012 • Publicado em Uncategorized

Silence is one of the greatest challenges in the fight against domestic violence, a crime that primarily affects women. Supported by the BrazilFoundation in 2010, Chegando Perto (Getting Closer) is a pilot project that was developed by SOS Ação Mulher Família (SOS Action for Women and Family) of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, with the objective of helping women who have suffered from domestic violence.

Since 1997, the NGO has offered free services and works to intervene in cases of spousal and domestic violence, offering victims psychosocial and legal assistance. In recognition of its achievements, the project participants will present their work  from November 19th to the 21stat the First International Seminar for Post-Graduate Social Sciences at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (Federal University of Uberlândia). “Our participation is sustained by  the project’s objective to create awareness for the needs of those in situations of domestic violence. We emphasize the importance of conducting activities together with the community for the purpose of carrying out systemized interventions in this very complex problem which is domestic violence”, explains the organization’s manager, Claudia Guerra.