Aliança em prol da APA da Pedra Branca

Caldas, MG
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Aliança em prol da APA da Pedra Branca

Promote the ecological revitalization of the Serra da Pedra Branca, involving communities of familial economic producers

The Aliança pela Pedra Branca pairs environmental protection and preservation with the sustainable development of the region. A unique Mata Atlântica biome featuring recharge areas that support local communities in Minas Gerais and São Paulo. The Serra da Pedra Branca is threatened by excessive agricultural activities, mining operations, and eucalyptus plantations.
This project features efforts for reforestation, environmental education, research studies, legal actions, participation in environmental councils, promotion of organic agro ecological production and expansion of local tourism and culture as instruments to generate income and jobs.
The project will establish and maintain an agricultural nursery with an annual production of 30,000 Mata Atalântica seedlings to be used by farmers and the general public in a sustained effort towards reforestation.


The support of BrazilFoundation will allow for:

● The construction of an agro-nursery for Mata Atlântica seedlings, helping to promote the environmental revitalization of the Serra da Pedra Branca

● Production and distribution of 30,000 seedlings to the local populace and farmers
● Organize events that raise awareness for the need to reforest and revitalize springs
● Host lectures, featuring ecological planting practices with rural farmers interested in preserving springs and riparian forests on their properties
30,000 native Mata Atlântica seedlings planted
6,000 people directly impacted
25,000 residents of the Serra da Pedra Branca have benefited


This project guarantees the infrastructure needed for the climate emergency taking place today.
Our institution will be crucial for the recuperation and preservation of our forests, springs and rivers. A contribution to a healthy and sustainable environment suitable for all current and future generations.
Challenged by change, the environmental crisis effecting Brazil continues to be vocalized by social activists and environmentalists.