CrediPaz Institute

- Localização
- São Paulo, SP
- Apoiado em
- 2019
- Áreas atendidas
- Socioeconomic Development
Providing credit to microentrepreneurs in disadvantaged communities to promote their inclusion
In the central region of São Paulo there are more than 6,000 people in situations of mid to high vulnerability. In Fortaleza, over 800,000 people have an income of less than half of the national minimum wage; they are people who are excluded from society, have weak family bonds, poor health, suffer from drug or alcohol use and often are victims of violence. Gaining employment is one way to escape these situations.
CrediPaz provides loans to people who are excluded from the traditional credit system and have an entrepreneurial project. It offers between R $ 300.00 and R $ 2,000.00, in addition to support and guidance from experienced agents, many of whom were beneficiaries of the program themselves. The program has already served 67 communities in Greater São Paulo, and in 2018 has extended its activities to Fortaleza. The microfinance program has had a great impact on communities, helping individuals restore a sense of self dignity. With the methodology, each CrediPaz agent manages to extricate 300 people from the state of vulnerability every two years.
With support from BrazilFoundation, the Institute aims to:
• Train new credit agents in São Paulo and Fortaleza;
• Expand microfinance to new areas of the City of São Paulo;
• Expand and strengthen CrediPaz in Fortaleza;
• Increase the area of dissemination of the project.
4,000 people reached in São Paulo
19,000 people benefited from increased family income
Work, income and better quality of life for families
“Today we can say that we have achieved great results in unity, initiative, leadership, self-esteem, discipline and above all, the overall value of everyone associated.”